I need to assign the video url to the <video> tag on the fly, expecting the video to show in the player, also on the fly:

I have this:

jQuery( '#the-video' ).children( 'source' ).attr( 'src', 'the-video-url.mp4' ); 

<video id="the-video" autoplay width="320" height="240">
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">
    Your browser does not support the video tag.

But the video is not populating in the browser, just like an image would do. For example, when doing it for an image, the image shows automatically:

jQuery( '#the-image' ).attr( 'src', 'the-image-url.jpg' ); 

<img src="" id="the-image" style="height:150px" />

The image shows on the fly. Doesn't it work the same for videos? I am running out of ideas.

  • 1
    once you set the src valu you have to call the load() method of the video tag, something like this: <script> jQuery( '#the-video' ).children( 'source' ).attr( 'src', 'the-video-url.mp4' ); jQuery('#the-video').load(); </script>
    – zGilexx
    Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 23:32
  • 1
    @zGilexx Thank you!!! It is working!!! but with the video element without nesting source element, like this: <video id="profile-photo-container" src="">. I wonder what is the difference between video element nesting source element and without.... Anyways, it is working, thanks a lot! Commented Oct 24, 2023 at 0:32

1 Answer 1


If someone needs the answer, as @zGilexx indicated, here is the solution:

After assigning the video url to the video tag on the fly, it has to be loaded by using jQuery('#the-video').load();

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