
I recently installed the CryptoPro plugin in my browser and would like to connect it programmatically in my Javascript (jQuery) code. As a result, my Javascript code must be inserted into the PHP code on the backend (version 5.6).

I don’t have NPM and there’s no way to install it on my server (including the very CryptoPro library through it). I also don’t have TypeScript installed and there’s also no way to install it via NPM. Therefore, it is very advisable for me to access the already installed plugin in my browser, especially since I have already installed it along with the License. I also don’t know how to access all installed third-party browser plugins, including the aforementioned CryptoPro (I currently have a Yandex browser).

I read on the Internet that I can install the CryptoPro plugin via links (as I understand it, referring to the browser itself):


or connect it using: import { getSystemInfo } from 'crypto-pro'; But my browser cannot parse the service words improt and require (since I do not have Typescript installed).

And with all the other links, the browser cannot find either the resulting Javascript object window.cryptoPro (for example window.cryptoPro.getSystemInfo();), nor the resulting (just) "cadesplugin" object (for example its use: "cadesplugin.CreateObjectAsync(" CAdESCOM.Store");"). All of the above resulting objects simply do not exist in the browser.

Please help if you can: how to programmatically use this plugin (and plugins in general if they are already installed in the browser (including the Yandex browser))?

Regards, Mikhail