
I am attempting to write an simple function in an HTML page which displays the image and there are few buttons which change the image I have used the "document.getElementById('myImage').src= " command to change it but there is no image shows after I click the image. The same image is loading properly using the tag. The same button works if I use a link direct taken from google. Below I have pasted the code. Any suggestions are appreciated.

<h2> This page shows changing emotions using various buttons </h2>

<img id = "image" src = "path\angry.jpg" style = "width:100px">

<button onclick = 'document.getElementById("image").src = "path\envy.jpg"'>Envy</button>
<button onclick = 'document.getElementById("image").src = "path\angry.jpg"'>Angry</button>
<button onclick = 'document.getElementById("image").src = "path\sad.jpg"'>Sad</button>
<button onclick = 'document.getElementById("image").src = "path\embarassed.jpg"'>Embarassed</button>
<button onclick = 'document.getElementById("image").src = "path\happy.jpg"'>Happy</button>
<button onclick = 'document.getElementById("image").src = "path\anxiety.jpg"'>Anxiety</button>


Tried links from Google it works but local images does not work in the on click function Thank you!

  • 3
    Have you tried using pathnames with "/" instead of "\"?
    – Pointy
    Commented Jul 7 at 16:34

2 Answers 2


The issue you're encountering is likely due to the backslashes () used in the file paths. In HTML and JavaScript, file paths should use forward slashes (/). Backslashes are not valid path separators in URLs.

<h2> This page shows changing emotions using various buttons </h2>

<img id="image" src="path/angry.jpg" style="width:100px">

<button onclick='document.getElementById("image").src = "path/envy.jpg"'>Envy</button>
<button onclick='document.getElementById("image").src = "path/angry.jpg"'>Angry</button>
<button onclick='document.getElementById("image").src = "path/sad.jpg"'>Sad</button>
<button onclick='document.getElementById("image").src = "path/embarrassed.jpg"'>Embarrassed</button>
<button onclick='document.getElementById("image").src = "path/happy.jpg"'>Happy</button>
<button onclick='document.getElementById("image").src = "path/anxiety.jpg"'>Anxiety</button>


Don't use inline event handlers. Details are commented in the example.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    img {
      display: block;
      width: 300px;
      height: 300px;
      margin: 20px auto;
      cursor: pointer

  <img src="https://i.ibb.co/bBGX3Sq/static.gif">
    // Assign a counter outside of function
    let i = 0;
    // Have the URLs of the the images in an array
    const pix = [
    // This is the callback function that will be invoked at every click
    function changeSrc(e) {
      // Increment the counter
      // If the count equals to or exceeds the number of URLs in pix array...
      if (i >= pix.length) {
        // Reset the counter back to 0
        i = 0;
      // Change the src of the <img> to the URL at the index of "i" in array pix
      this.src = pix[i];

    document.querySelector("img").onclick = changeSrc;


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