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Questions tagged [jquery-plugins]

Custom add-ons and plugins for the jQuery library. jQuery functions and features not included in the standard jQuery library.

2 votes
4 answers

New jQuery plugin - What is the best way to get input and feedback?

I had a need for a certain functionality on my web apps and I use jQuery a lot, so I thought I would write a jQuery plugin. Since this is my first attempt to write a jQuery plugin, I would really ...
BrianH's user avatar
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2 votes
9 answers

How many lines of code is in your custom jQuery script on your site? And how much is too much?

For our site, Im using a lot of jQuery - right now Im looking at 340 lines of jQuery code on top of the base library. How much is too much? I will be adding more, when do I start trying to condense ...
jrutter's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Submit with JQuery in firefox 3 & opera in a modal dialog box from SimpleModal

I'm trying to submit a form who is rendered in a SimpleModal dialog, but my submit is never called when I'm using FF3 & Opera (Chrome, Safari and IE works). I use the following code: function ...
JSC's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Nice way to show html <DIV> elements like gallery, mooflow, lightbox etc

We have number of plugins to display images in a nice manner. For eg: mooflow( with which we can display images in mac itunes manner. But i am ...
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1 vote
1 answer

How to clone a jQuery Listen plugin event?

I have some <tr> elements on my page with a click() event attached to an image that sits inside each one. I use this code $(this).clone(true).appendTo("table#foo"); to do the ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Building jQuery UI Plugins [closed]

Beyond the official documentation, are there any recommended resources for learning to build jQuery plugins. I'm particularly interested in building plugins for the UI libary. I've been looking at ...
Wilco's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Using the jQuery validatation plugin to send multiple values to an ASP.NET MVC controller action?

Using the jQuery Validation plugin and AJAX, how can I validate the contents of say an input (textbox) but pass more than one parameter to a controller action? A brilliant example of passing a single ...
Kieron's user avatar
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53 votes
8 answers

jQuery datepicker- 2 inputs/textboxes and restricting range

I am using the jQuery Datepicker widget with two input boxes, one for the "From" date and the second with the "To" date. I am using the jQuery Datepicker functional demo as a basis for getting the two ...
Russ Cam's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

jQuery Plugin: Handling Events

I'm currently working on a jQuery plugin and I'm wondering if it would be possible to have the plugin listen for events rather than being triggered by events. So instead of this: $('#element_id')....
Wilco's user avatar
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50 votes
9 answers

Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading

On PHP, they have a way to restrict file size AFTER uploading, but not BEFORE uploading. I use the Malsup jQuery Form Plugin for my form posting, and it supports image file posting. I was wondering ...
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41 votes
5 answers

How well does jQuery support backward compatibility?

We have had issues with Mootools not being very backward compatible specifically in the area of drag and drop functionality. I was wondering if anyone has had any similar problems with jQuery not ...
Josh Mein's user avatar
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194 votes
20 answers

Parse RSS with jQuery

I want to use jQuery to parse RSS feeds. Can this be done with the base jQuery library out of the box or will I need to use a plugin?
Andy Brudtkuhl's user avatar
42 votes
9 answers

Best jQuery Status Message Plugin?

What is the best jQuery status message plugin? I like jGrowl and Purr, but jGrowl doesn't have the feature to remain sticky (not close automatially) and Purr doesn't seem to work right in IE 6. I ...
Elijah Manor's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Get radio value inside iframe

How do I go about doing this with jQuery? Basically the structure: <form id="myForm"> <iframe> <!-- Normal HTML headers omitted --> <input type=radio name="myRadio" ...
syaz's user avatar
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5 answers

Where does jQuery UI fit in MVC?

I need to develop a generic jQuery-based search plugin for the ASP.NET MVC application I'm building, but I can't figure out how it's supposed to fit, or what the best practice is. I want to do the ...
tags2k's user avatar
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