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Questions tagged [jquery-plugins]

Custom add-ons and plugins for the jQuery library. jQuery functions and features not included in the standard jQuery library.

645 votes
7 answers

What's the easiest way to call a function every 5 seconds in jQuery? [duplicate]

JQuery, how to call a function every 5 seconds. I'm looking for a way to automate the changing of images in a slideshow. I'd rather not install any other 3rd party plugins if possible.
ensnare's user avatar
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573 votes
14 answers

How to disable mouse scroll wheel scaling with Google Maps API

I am using Google Maps API (v3) to draw a few maps on a page. One thing I'd like to do is disable zooming when you scroll the mouse wheel over the map, but I'm unsure how. I have disabled the ...
aaronrussell's user avatar
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338 votes
23 answers

jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending "OPTIONS" as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox

Having trouble with what I thought was a relatively simple jQuery plugin... The plugin should fetch data from a php script via ajax to add options to a <select>. The ajax request is pretty ...
fitzgeraldsteele's user avatar
265 votes
22 answers

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content every time

I am using Twitter bootstrap, I have specified a modal <div class="modal hide" id="modal-item"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="...
Dhruv Kumar Jha's user avatar
259 votes
13 answers

Change Placeholder Text using jQuery

I am using a jQuery placeholder plugin( I need to change the placeholder text with the change in dropdown menu. But it is not changing. Here is the ...
Krishh's user avatar
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242 votes
8 answers

How can I check if a jQuery plugin is loaded?

Is there any way to check if a particular plugin is available? Imagine that you are developing a plugin that depends on another plugin being loaded. For example I want the jQuery Validation plugin ...
Vitor Silva's user avatar
  • 17.5k
232 votes
11 answers

jQuery Scroll To bottom of the page

After my page is done loading. I want jQUery to nicely scroll to the bottom of the page, animating quickly, not a snap/jolt. Do iI need a plugin like ScrollTo for that? or is that built into jQuery ...
AnApprentice's user avatar
225 votes
11 answers

Set width of a "Position: fixed" div relative to parent div

I'm trying to give a div (position: fixed) the width of 100% (relating to it's parent div). But I've got some problems... Fox example #container { width: 800px; } #fixed { position: fixed; ...
Dnns's user avatar
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218 votes
3 answers

Why does the JavaScript need to start with ";"?

I have recently noticed that a lot of JavaScript files on the Web start with a ; immediately following the comment section. For example, this jQuery plugin's code starts with: /** * jQuery.ScrollTo ...
TK.'s user avatar
  • 27.8k
218 votes
2 answers

Correct way to integrate jQuery plugins in AngularJS

I was wondering what is the correct way to integrate jQuery plugins into my angular app. I've found several tutorials and screen-casts but they seem catered to a specific plugin. For Example: http://...
Gidon's user avatar
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212 votes
1 answer

What is the role of src and dist folders?

I'm looking at a Git repository for a jQuery plugin. I want to make a few changes for use in my own project, but when I opened up the repository it had a structure I've never seen before. I'm not sure ...
Don P's user avatar
  • 62.5k
204 votes
14 answers

How to scroll up or down the page to an anchor using jQuery?

I'm looking for a way to include a slide effect for when you click a link to a local anchor either up or down the page. I'd like something where you have a link like so: <a href="#nameofdivetc"&...
ade123's user avatar
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199 votes
20 answers

How to create a jQuery plugin with methods?

I'm trying to write a jQuery plugin that will provide additional functions/methods to the object that calls it. All the tutorials I read online (have been browsing for the past 2 hours) include, at ...
Yuval Karmi's user avatar
  • 26.5k
194 votes
20 answers

Parse RSS with jQuery

I want to use jQuery to parse RSS feeds. Can this be done with the base jQuery library out of the box or will I need to use a plugin?
Andy Brudtkuhl's user avatar
194 votes
10 answers

Get query string parameters url values with jQuery / Javascript (querystring)

Anyone know of a good way to write a jQuery extension to handle query string parameters? I basically want to extend the jQuery magic ($) function so I can do something like this: $('?search').val(); ...
TroySteven's user avatar
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