The most important factor for business success is to.....
Published Oct 29 2020 09:00 AM 8,488 Views

...put in the effort, time, and training to become knowledgeable about new technologies.


While many might think that success is the result of innovation, a recently published IDC white paper* has uncovered another component that could be just as vital. Microsoft-sponsored research revealed that IT professionals “who have achieved a relevant technical certification are more likely to have a self-belief that competence can be developed through dedication and hard work and a willingness to leverage tools and learning of others – what is called a growth mindset.”


What is growth mindset?

Coined by American psychologist Carol Dweck in her 2006 book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, and adopted by Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, a person with a growth mindset believes they can learn from successes and failures. These people can develop their capabilities and continue to learn through effort, time, and training. The IDC white paper goes on to say that professionals in IT organizations who have embraced a growth mindset and a culture of learning “report feeling far more committed to the organization and empowered to put the organization’s vision into practice,” whereas people in organizations with a fixed mindset “rate higher in only one organizational statistic: more deception between employees.”


Hello digital transformation

As business models are shifting to optimization, so are mindsets and the corporate culture. From Hasbro’s push to leverage data and analytics to help shift their marketing strategy to Home Depot’s transition to build a successful move into the online shopping world, digital transformation is here and affects everyone. IT departments need a technical work force that can easily be retrained internally so they can adapt quickly when the latest demand creates a rapid new business direction. Easy enough, right? Well, organizations are telling us otherwise.



The case for certification

While we already know that encouraging employees on their learning journey inspires them to continue with growth mindset, why does certification specifically help businesses? First of all, certification increases efficiency and productivity. Certified employees become better at meeting client requirements, need less time to troubleshoot, and complete projects more quickly. Furthermore, these certified employees are the ones who help their companies succeed – which effectively helps execute digital transformation initiatives.**



Addressing the global need for continuous learning

Earlier this year, Microsoft president Brad Smith, announced the company’s commitment to helping 25 million people acquire new digital skills that are necessary, especially now due to the COVID-19 economy. “Our vision is a connected ‘system of learning’ that helps empower everyone to pursue lifelong learning.” Microsoft is offering free access to training content, low-cost certifications, free job-seeking tools, and more. But you need to start learning to build in-demand skills.


As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, continuous learning is more important than ever for staying ahead. And the key to taking on the next digital transformation successfully is simple: get trained and certified.


Find a learning style that motivates you to keep learning. Check out Microsoft Learn’s collection of training options.




*Source: IDC white paper, sponsored by Microsoft, Business Value of Digital Transformation and the Contribution of a Growth Mindset in IT, May 2020

**Source: Microsoft white paper Role-based tech training and certifications–the secret to business success. Here’s why. September 2020

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