A group of high school students sit at desks in conversation.

US History Curriculum Collection: Democracy & Freedom

Draw from this flexible curriculum collection featuring units, lesson plans, and C3-style inquiries to teach middle or high school US history.

About the US History Curriculum Collection

Centering on the themes of Democracy & Freedom, Facing History's new US History curriculum collection is designed to help students think critically about what it means to live in the United States as a free and full human being and draw meaningful connections between our country's complex history and their own lived experiences. The materials in the collection are intentionally curated to help empower students to become active citizens and deepen their understanding of their rights and responsibilities in their communities and our nation.

The identity of a nation like the United States is shaped by the ways people have worked individually and together to create a more free and fair democracy. This new collection builds on existing Facing History resources and has the arc of the academic year in mind, but no matter where in your course you begin to integrate these materials, taking time to create a classroom community that is open, inclusive, and prepared to tackle difficult conversations is a key element to our approach to teaching US History.

Once you've laid the foundation for deep and collaborative learning, you can utilize our carefully curated collection to explore a variety of historical periods and perspectives including the founding era, Reconstruction Era, the period of Asian exclusion and mass immigration at the turn of the twentieth century, and the Civil Rights movement.

Also included in the collection is a Choosing to Participate unit designed to help educators and students craft a dynamic capstone project at the culmination of their US History Course. This unit fosters the civic capacity of students by asking them to examine the civic actions of people in the past and present and imagine what freedoms they would like to see in their communities.

Continue exploring our US history resources and consider incorporating them into your curriculum to help inform and inspire students as they prepare to make their mark on the world.

Get a quick guided tour through the US History Curriculum Collection

Get an introduction to the resources featured in this curriculum collection and how they can fit into your US History course.

Our US History Curriculum Collection consists of a set of flexible resources to help you incorporate lessons about and apply the themes of democracy and freedom throughout your course.

Our approach to teaching US history emphasizes students’ capacity for civic agency and develops the historical inquiry skills students need to generate new and more complex questions about the past and present.

Download an overview of the collection to learn more about our classroom-ready resources and on-demand professional learning.

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An educator supports two students in school uniforms with a classroom activity.

Integrate This Curriculum with Your US History Course

Use our implementation guide to envision, plan, and teach a US History course that incorporates the collection's thematic throughline of democracy and freedom.

Curated with the arc of the school year in mind, the curriculum collection materials can be used in total, or you can select the resources that are best suited to your unique context.

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Explore Democracy and Freedom in US History

This collection invites students to investigate the essential question, “What do democracy and freedom mean in US history and in our society today?”  Through this curated set of US history lesson plans, units, and C3-style inquiries, students explore how progress toward greater freedom, equality, and justice are not inevitable. 

These materials introduce voices not often included in textbooks, examine historic and ongoing injustices, and explore the lived experiences of many Americans. Primary sources throughout the collection highlight the work of those in our country who have demanded greater freedom and expanded civil and human rights.

Instructor standing at a classroom table with two educators sittings at desk

Professional Development for US History

Explore a wide variety of professional learning experiences that support making the most of our US History Curriculum Collection.

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Our approach to teaching social studies is proven to improve student outcomes and engagement.

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