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Aging Well: Taiko drummer Kenny Endo says his art keeps him young

Aging Well: Taiko drummer Kenny Endo says his art keeps him young

Aging Well: Taiko drummer Kenny Endo says his art keeps him young.

Taiko drumming has taken Kenny Endo to places he never expected.

HONOLULU (KITV4) -- Taiko drumming has taken Honolulu's Kenny Endo to places he never anticipated, when he was a young man still finding his rhythm. He's opened for The Who, played for Michael Jackson and Prince, recorded music for the movies "Apocalypse Now," and "Avatar" - and so much more. Now, he tells us how his love of taiko helps his own Aging Well.

His talents carried 69-year-old taiko master Kenny Endo to fame. Endo, owner of the Taiko Center of the Pacific, says, "I've always loved drumming. And music, but all types of drumming."

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