User roles and permissions in Campaign Manager

Last updated: 3 months ago

When you give a member access to your LinkedIn Ads account, you'll need to assign them a user role.

Each user role grants members permission to take different actions in Campaign Manager. User roles can help you manage your ad account by creating a system of tiered access.

Below are the tasks each user role has permission to perform:

User role Billing admin Account manager Campaign manager Creative manager Viewer
View campaign performance  ✓
Create new campaigns  ✓    
Edit existing campaigns  ✓  ✓  ✓    
Edit new and existing ads  ✓  
Manage user access for account  ✓      
Edit account details  ✓      
Receive campaign notifications  ✓
View account billing history  ✓
Change account billing details  ✓        
Print payment receipts  ✓      

Here's a tip

You need additional LinkedIn Page permissions to create campaigns and ads, download leads from Lead Gen Forms, manage Landing Pages, or create certain Matched Audiences in Campaign Manager.

Keep in mind that each ad account must have a billing admin. The person who creates the ads account is automatically assigned as the billing admin.

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