Portrait of Christoph Koettl

Christoph Koettl

I cover a broad range of topics, including international wars, policing in the United States and North Korean smuggling networks. My stories scrutinize official accounts of events that are often misleading or false.

I have almost two decades of experience using innovative tools and methodologies for reporting and research, focusing on violations of human rights and the laws of war. My specialty is geospatial analysis and using satellite images to tell stories. I have shared in two Pulitzer Prizes for coverage of the civilian toll of U.S. air and drone strikes and Russian atrocities in Ukraine.

I have published several academic papers and book chapters on digital sleuthing. In 2009, I testified as an expert witness at a congressional hearing on the armed conflict in Sri Lanka.

I want all of my work to be accurate and fair and adhere to the standards of integrity outlined in our Ethical Journalism Handbook.



    A Massacre Threatens Darfur — Again

    Darfur, the region of Sudan once synonymous with genocide, may be on the brink of a new chapter of horror.

    By Lauren Leatherby, Declan Walsh, Sanjana Varghese and Christoph Koettl


    What Happened in One of Israel’s Deadliest Attacks in Gaza

    In this airstrike, Israel was targeting a senior Hamas leader. Dozens of people in a residential neighborhood were killed in the attack.

    By Anjali Singhvi, Bora Erden, Helmuth Rosales, Mika Gröndahl, Rumsey Taylor, Josh Williams and Abu Bakr Bashir

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