Artificial intelligence services

Unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence at scale—in a way you can trust

AI isn’t just a new set of tools. It’s the new world.

From automation to augmentation, generative AI and beyond, AI is changing everything. $15.7 trillion—that’s the global economic growth that AI will provide by 2030, according to PwC research. Who will get the biggest share of this prize? Those who take the lead now.

With AI pilots and projects live all over the globe, and new use cases added daily, at PwC we’re already veterans at helping clients navigate the new world of AI safely and strategically. We institutionalize and deploy AI across the organization and across their applications and we do it responsibly–in a way that is explainable, secure, and robust.

How is AI used in consulting?

Find the AI opportunities with the highest ROI. Test concepts thoroughly for rapid adoption. Deliver innovative solutions at scale. PwC’s AI consulting offers expertise and experience with natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, model operations, automated ML, digital twins, generative AI, embodied AI, responsible AI, and more.

AI Focus Areas

Generative AI for business use is here and continues to rapidly evolve. The openness to tap into the power of generative AI will likely only continue to grow, and many companies are already realizing real cost and efficiency gains in various functions of their business including operations, marketing & sales, IT and engineering, risk and legal, tax and R&D.

Our AI experience and knowledge can help you innovate to realize GenAI's potential today, and lay the foundations for future growth. Our business-driven approach, deep industry experience, and technical knowledge can help our clients identify business areas that can be improved with GenAI and train the right models for long-term value.

From identifying use cases to designing and building applications to better serve customers and employees, we start with a focus on governance, privacy, security, ethics, and responsible design.

AI has the potential to create huge economic and societal benefits for businesses, governments and individuals worldwide. But with great potential comes great risk: are your algorithms making decisions that align with your values? Do customers trust you with their data? Will your brand be tarnished if you can’t explain how your AI systems work? This is why Responsible AI matters.

Answering these questions is a responsibility that falls to all of us: board members, CEOs, business unit heads and AI specialists alike. PwC’s Responsible AI Toolkit—a suite of customizable frameworks, tools and templates ranked by Fast Company as a World Changing Idea, and winner of several awards at CogX—can help your organization harness the power of AI in an ethical and responsible manner.

Think that AI is hard? Turns out, you’re right. Companies are investing in, creating and deploying AI models using approaches fit for traditional software development, but AI models are living artifacts that must be continuously improved and maintained. Traditional approaches struggle with efficient model production, missed opportunities and value decay.

What are ways Conversational and NLP can be used to interact with customers, employees, and processes more easily? Conversational AI and natural language processing is moving beyond just consumer-facing virtual assistants into the enterprise space to help us work smarter and faster. Natural language machine learning techniques can be applied to unstructured audio and text data to extract information, analyze patterns and even generate sentences.

PwC Conversational AI and NLP services and accelerators enable companies to exceed customer and employee expectations while lowering costs. Using a combination of reusable assets, pre-trained models, and bespoke capabilities, we solve a wide range of information extraction problems for our clients. From invoice processing to contracts review, we can build or tailor the solution needed.  Our solutions help reduce operational complexities, improve customer service, engage customers, and streamline internal processes.

How can we make better decisions in such an uncertain world? Uncertainties and disruptions are leading to a lack of confidence in strategy. AI-powered predictive models and simulation tools can help leaders quickly test strategic scenarios to make better decisions faster.

Traditional analytic approaches to strategy rely on “predict-and-act” models that are narrow in scope and inadequate to support development of adaptive strategy. In contrast, simulation models focus on the dynamics of market development and the “new economics” of the value network created by innovation. PwC can help companies establish systems thinking practices to capture the richness of alternative futures, leverage strategic and operational simulation models at scale to help reveal strategies that are robust and minimize regret across many different futures.

How can the same capabilities used to improve customer experience and increase productivity benefit the broader society? With the increasing maturity of AI technology, there is potential to use AI to solve some of our society’s most pressing problems. We work with leading not-for-profit organizations and collaborate with major companies to research how AI can be used to benefit society and create applications that make a lasting impact.

We have helped not-for-profits and majors organizations by simulating the network effects and economic benefit of including women in the workforce in emerging nations, researching the benefit AI could have on our environment, and modeling the impact of planting a tree in a specific area on carbon footprint.

Innovation. Speed to results. Technology-enabled.

Our innovation teams stay up to date on the latest research and technology in the AI space so you don’t have to. From the image processing of vehicle damage, to the extraction of adverse events experienced by patients using pharmaceuticals, we test the latest AI capabilities on real world problems, collaborating with our clients to build scalable and repeatable solutions tailored for their needs.

Our solutions are enabled by our Alliance partners (AWS, Google, Microsoft, Oracle) and infused with best practices, digital assets and learnings gleaned from our own experience leading clients through their analytics and AI transformations.

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