Deal Analytics

Delivering business-driven, data-fueled human thinking

How M&A analytics can create deeper insights, better decisions and greater value

At PwC we’re betting big on data, analytics, and a digital revolution to transform the way deals are done. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) analytics is increasingly a major driver of competitive advantage in transactions and value creation for portfolio companies.

PwC uses advanced techniques in data science to help you make smarter decisions, uncover more value and create better returns on investment. From predictive analytics to machine learning and beyond. We bring data insights in the moment, and agility that helps you change course for what’s next.

Our deal analytics practice blends data scientists and deal professionals. Their sector-specific approach, applying proprietary solutions, data sets and subject matter knowledge, brings hypothesis-based diligence at deal speed. Our teams focus on improving insight, lowering risk and a clearer path to value creation.

Beginning with deal threshold questions, our PwC deal analytics specialists build analysis to support deal models and equity stories across the full deal continuum. Our global M&A data analytics community drives data-fueled, human thinking that increases value before, during and after your transaction.

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PwC Deal Analytics

Our Deals Analytics leader

Stephen Coyle is based in Boston and leads the Deal Analytics practice. He brings together data scientists, statisticians, econometricians and deal professionals all focused on providing Deals clients with deeper analytics driven insights.

Talk to Stephen about how we use analytics to drive differentiated decision making.

Stephen Coyle
Principal, PwC US

+1 203-822-4410

How PwC can help

Performance insights

Unlock value by leveraging analytics insights at deal speed

Performance insights provides a suite of sub-sector analytics to drive insights during the due diligence phase and deliver actionable insights at deals speed. Our digitally enabled team of deals professionals will help you isolate key deal issues and assess investment thesis, utilizing proprietary methodologies supplemented by third-party data. We’ll help you navigate the complexities of the diligence process, on both the buy and sell side, and uncover opportunities for value creation.

Commercial insights

Market intelligence enabled by alternative data and data science

Commercial insights draws on the power of alternative data to deliver deal-thesis defining insights for clients. We bring a unique blend of world class alternative data, proprietary PwC data and a multi-faceted team ranging from specialized data scientists through to strategists. This allows us to drive deeper and more nuanced perspectives on the market landscape, a company's position within that market and the identification of tangible opportunities to drive growth, share and margin.

Exit value optimization

Through leveraging data and analytics, we support key tenants of the equity story in a data driven manner

PwC Deal Analytics supports the equity story and investment themes by laying out a buyer-ready roadmap to validate key value drivers within historical trends and to support future value capture. Our depth of sub-sector knowledge enables a comprehensive sell-side diligence and supports working capital and capital forecasting - all leveraging analytics supported by data that can be readily diligenced by buyers. Whether you are just beginning to think about exit or nearing sale, our team of deal experts works with you to ensure you maximize value through the sales process.

Combining M&A analytics with sub-sector solutions tailored to your needs

We start by understanding the historical buying patterns of your customers and predicting future trends in their behavior. We look for potential levers for value creation. Digital diligence is performed to provide an overall view of your target relative to competitors, as well as a clear understanding where to focus. Our sub-sector teams use proprietary algorithms, 1000s of industry data sets and subject matter knowledge to bring rapid fire, iterative insights and data-backed perspectives. At deals speed, we can help address relevant industry topics and challenges including quality of revenue, market dynamics, cost pass-through, price elasticity, customer cohorts and predictive churn analytics among others.

Technology, Media and Telecommunications

Increase value to your customer base

From analyzing millions of subscribers and dozens of price points to drawing insights from the complexities in buyer paths, our TMT analytics specialists are experienced in efficiently and flexibly delivering in hyper-competitive deal environments. We’ll help you see a path forward even through analyzing traditionally inconsistent metrics like churn, pricing, product bundling, ARR and retention rates. We’ll show you the value, so you can make a confident deal decision. Post-close, we will work with you to achieve the value discovered during due diligence.


Analytics-driven healthcare investing

Analyze the options for each deal from all angles. Know how each decision you make could affect your return on value. That’s what technology can do – when it’s wrapped around the right deals-experienced team who know how to put it to work for you. We’re at the forefront of transforming deal-making in the healthcare space by putting the power of advanced analytics and the disruptive force of technology in your hands. Our dedicated team of data scientists and healthcare specialists use big data processing, proprietary algorithms and other cutting-edge tools to navigate the complexities of third party reimbursement and bring your healthcare investments to life.

Industrial products

Deeper data analytics to make confident decisions throughout the value chain

You need to isolate the signal from the noise. That takes deep and efficient analytics to spot the issues and act on them before they turn into real problems down the value chain. PwC Deal Analytics puts that data to work to highlight the insights that drive more confident investment decisions – all through the power of advanced technologies and alternative datasets. Whether you’re struggling with inventory optimization, sell-in / sell-through analysis or pricing analytics, our team of deals-centric data scientists are here to help uncover more value in your deal – today and beyond.

Pharma and life sciences

Driving value in Pharma and Life Sciences through tech-enabled human thinking

Data, analytics and technology in the right, experienced hands are key enablers to unlocking value across the investment lifecycle. PwC’s Deal Analytics professionals can help you find your competitive edge in the world of PLS investing. With the acceleration of investments in medtech, biotech and other emerging technologies, analytics and alternative data can help bring confidence in your decisions and smarter actions to drive real deal value. Through advanced technology, data science approaches and proprietary algorithms, we’ll spotlight the value hidden in an uncertain deals market.

Consumer markets

Drive more value through consumer analytics

Customer cohorting and deep geospatial analytics, sentiment analysis of customer online reviews, and pricing analytics on millions of SKUs: Your Consumer Retail needs require deep analytical thinking by specialists wrapped in the right technology to bring the right mix of data science and sector expertise to your deal. Our team of analysts can help you identify anomalous trends and isolate pockets of value-creation potential. It’s where data drives insights and confident decisions transform into value throughout the deal process.

Financial services

Unlock valuable insights within financial data

Segmenting loan portfolio, clustering borrower base and its quality, assessing risk-return performance – are some of the questions we seek to answer leveraging intelligent analytics. Firms in financial services naturally possess rich customer and transactional datasets, requiring more capable tools and advanced analytical techniques to unlock the valuable insights hidden within. Our team synthesizes deep commercial experience in the financial services world with rapid business intelligence capabilities to answer your most pressing questions during the deal or post-deal. We simultaneously apply fact-based and hypothesis-driven approaches to inform and optimize your decision-making process.

Private equity

Faster insights from deep data to stay ahead

Private Equity firms face no shortage of market challenges. They all require deep data to drive faster insights to stay ahead. PwC Deal Analytics drives analytics on hundreds of deals each year, all because we merge the right minds and smarter technology across the deals lifecycle. Our digitally enabled team of deals professionals can help you isolate key deal issues and assess investment thesis, leveraging proprietary methodologies supplemented by third-party datasets at deals speed. We’ll help you navigate the complexities of the diligence process and uncover more opportunities for value creation. It’s not about tools. It’s about powerful insights that make the difference. That’s the complete deal.

“Based on their deep analytics, deals, and sub-sector experience, our analytics professionals and data scientists develop clearly articulated, value-focused insights all at deal speed.”

Stephen CoyleDeal Analytics Leader, PwC US

Contact us

Stephen D. Coyle

Stephen D. Coyle

Principal, PwC US

Nate Barnes

Nate Barnes

Chief Deals Data Scientist, PwC US

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