Success Story

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol flies to the cloud with Red Hat


Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Europe’s fourth-busiest airport, wanted to improve its passenger experience and become the best digital airport. To support this shift, it decided to migrate several of its IT systems to the cloud to become more flexible, secure, and efficient. Schiphol chose Red Hat® solutions for its new hybrid cloud environment, which helps its IT teams quickly and efficiently develop and deploy new customer-facing services.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform has truly stolen my heart. It is innovative and lets us deploy quickly and easily control our containers.

Mechiel Aalbers

Senior Technical Application Coordinator, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Schiphol Amsterdam Airport logo
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • SIZE
    2,093 employees serving 63.6 million passengers per year


Support critical IT services—and passengers

Committed to becoming the leading digital airport by 2019, Schiphol wanted to use innovative technology to simplify the travel experience for passengers, improve the cost-efficiency of its operations, and collaborate with airlines and other stakeholders. To support its goal, Schiphol decided to migrate some systems to a modern, cloud-based infrastructure. “We were unable to get enough scalability from our existing on-premise infrastructure, so we wanted to see how an enterprise cloud cloud help,” said Mechiel Aalbers, senior technical application coordinator at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.


Migrate to an open source cloud platform

Schiphol decided to use Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform for its cloud platform, as well as other Red Hat products for storage, management, application programming interface (API) development and management, and integration. “At Schiphol, we first and foremost look for open source software, backed by support. These requirements put Red Hat front and center in our search process,” said Aalbers. “We could have selected the open source community version, but we would like to have support, so we chose Red Hat’s version.”

Software & Services


Develop and deploy customer services quickly and efficiently

Schiphol launched a new cloud platform to production in only 10 days and cut development time for new services and APIs by 50%. “Our developers don’t have to wait for development or test environments now, so we can add greater business value quickly,” said Aalbers. The solution enables agile workflows and self-service capabilities, which allows Schiphol to efficiently build solutions to improve the passenger experience. “Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform has truly stolen my heart,” said Aalbers. “It is innovative and lets us deploy quickly and easily control our containers.”

We are shifting to working in agile, dedicated teams with a lot of autonomy. From an infrastructure perspective, we would like to stay in control, but we want to let other teams make their own choices within that framework. Red Hat OpenShift helps us do so.

Garbis Van Okburcht

IT Manager of airport operation services, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Related resources


Self-managed Red Hat OpenShift sizing and subscription guide

Review updates of the approximate size of an OpenShift environment and the subscription model for self-managed Red Hat OpenShift offerings.


Accelerate your IT with managed cloud services

Making the shift to managed cloud services can help you modernize application development while reducing cost and complexity. Read the e-book.

Red Hat Innovators in the Open

Open source fuels innovation. This fact is exemplified best by Red Hat’s customers, who are using open source technologies to change the game. We’re proud to call them "innovators in the open" and share their stories.