The future of Tech Talent Charter 

When we first launched the Tech Talent Charter back in 2015, women held fewer than 15% of tech roles across the country, and few other diversity data points even existed.

As the UK’s fastest-growing economy, a gaping chasm was opening between supply and demand for tech skills, and the industry was at risk of leaving behind those sectors of society not adequately represented within its ranks.

It was clear to us then, as it is now, that these problems were two sides of the same coin. It’s vital for the success and longevity of the tech sector that it reflects the true diversity of British society, and that it needs to make dramatic changes in order to attract, retain and develop a wider range of diverse talent.

We believed that the best way to drive real progress was to work with the industry at scale; to facilitate collaboration, not competition, and build a community of industry leaders to amplify issues, insights and trends across the industry. To focus on the how, not just the why of inclusion.

Over the past 9 years, we have stayed true to that mission and delivered real change.

But the environment that we now face and the priorities of the industry have evolved beyond measure. In September 2023, the World Economic Forum reported that the future of D&I initiatives in the US is under threat. And in February this year the Tech Talent Charter’s annual Diversity in Tech report, based on D&I data from more than 700 UK tech employers, reported a similar turn of the tide. 

We observed that while just three years ago, companies were vocally committing to improving equality, posting black squares on their social media and investing in their action plans for improving D&I, today, the direction of travel has shifted.

The issue has not gone away, but, fuelled by economic, political and social pressures, too many organisations are ‘quiet-quitting’ their D&I strategies, putting all that has been achieved at risk.

Many in our networks are reporting that their organisation’s D&I strategies are becoming increasingly insular and initiatives are being shelved to prioritise other business goals. We are hearing more and more stories from D&I specialists and advocates battling for support as their teams are dismantled, their processes eliminated or absorbed or who are being forced to step back from voluntary efforts due to changing business attitudes and overburdened desks. It is clear that something needs to change.

Against this backdrop, the Tech Talent Charter has made the incredibly difficult decision to close, and our Board of Directors has now voted to dissolve the organisation.

Our mission has always focused on amplifying the sector's challenges and needs, and providing actionable steps for change. Now more than ever, we believe that we must draw attention to the current industry landscape challenges to ensure progress and to be the catalyst for the formation of new commitments, accountability, and efforts.

We are immensely proud to have been a convening and amplifying voice for the industry during a time when D&I took important steps forward.

  • Since 2015 the number of tech roles held by women in the UK has doubled, to just over a quarter today (and around 29% among TTC Signatories), and hundreds of companies we have worked with and beyond have made bold strides forwards in their approach to D&I, increasing both their understanding and measurement of the diversity of their workforce and their investment and focus in inclusive and equitable policies.  
  • We have built a community of thousands of D&I professionals and more than 800 tech employers, representing almost a quarter of a million tech workers.
  • We have convened and connected thousands of individuals and organisations to power progress through our virtual and physical events, our partnerships, podcast and our Open Playbook of Best Practice.
  • Our annual Diversity in Tech reports have collated and curated thousands of insights and data points showing the true state of diversity in the UK’s tech sector and equipping organisations to change and evolve their approach.
  • And we have shared all this information with the public for free so that organisations can learn from each other and work collectively to improve the industry.

We have had the privilege of working with many great organisations that prioritise inclusion and diversity. They will continue to lead the sector. Our long-time collaborators, techUK, will support our legacy by continuing to make our research and resources freely available to support an industry that is still in dire need of change. The Directors of the TTC remain committed to continuing to work with the industry and government to drive the next chapter of progression.

Our decision to close is driven by the hope that it will amplify the need for renewed focus. We believe this inflection point is essential to refocusing efforts, refining methods, and driving greater commitment and investment at a systemic, industry, and regional level.

We are immensely grateful to each and every one of our Partners, Signatories, Ambassadors, and Supporters. As a community, you’ve turned thousands of good intentions into real progress. 


The TTC is closing because we believe the tech sector needs a major reset in its approach to DEI to stop years of progress from being reversed. Progress in D&I is slowing and too many companies are “quiet quitting” D&I by cutting funding, staffing or diluting efforts.  If our goal is to connect, convene and amplify, we must amplify this trend.

We intend our closure to be a rallying call and a catalyst for reflection and for renewed greater commitment by the sector and to energise deeper action in the space.  Recognising the challenges that present themselves now and the opportunities that we could garner with the right effort and intention.

This action must be about more than just gender. Getting and retaining more women into tech is still a significant problem, but without an intersectional approach, real progress cannot be made and sustained.

It is vitally important to us that our resources remain freely available to anyone who needs them. Therefore, our long-time collaborators, techUK, will continue to host excerpts from the Open Playbook of Best Practice, our Diversity in Tech reports and other downloadable resources.

These will be part of a TTC legacy microsite and will be free of charge to use.  This will be launched later in the summer. 

Our reserves will continue to serve the community and go on to support the next chapter.

We will ensure that all data shared with us over the years is safely removed, with a clear audit trail of deletion. Any information in our CRM system (i.e. names, job titles and email addresses) will be deleted and the CRM shut down. Any and all data shared for the purposes of our reports or other research will be permanently deleted, other than what is contained in an aggregated form in our published reports and other research materials.

We have been incredibly fortunate to have worked with a number of trailblazing industry leaders who have supported our mission. While they have expressed sadness that we are closing, they share our view that the industry needs an inflection point and to double down on its efforts towards D&I to stop hard-won progress being lost.

After our operational closure at the end of August, you can still access key TTC resources via our microsite maintained by techUK. 

Debbie and Karen will also be setting up an informal closed LinkedIn group so that the community will have a place to share. Information on this will be sent to Signatories over July and August. 

Furthermore, there are a number of fantastic organisations dedicated to pursuing D&I in the UK’s tech sector. Here are just a few:

We are here to support you with answers to any other questions you may have. You are welcome to email questions to our Co-CEO Karen ( 

We are also hosting two virtual drop-in sessions. Karen and Debbie will be on hand to answer questions and facilitate discussion.  All are welcome to join these sessions, and you can sign up using the following links  

 25 June 2024 12.00 -12.45

 11 July 2024 12.00 -12.45

A few words from TTC's partners

Paul Fletcher
Neil Sawyer
Vanessa Vallely
Sinead Buntin quote
Amali de Alwis
Anna Brailsford
Anne-Marie Imafidon
Gori Yahaya
Jacqueline de Rojas
Paul Fletcher Mobile
Neil Sawyer mobile
Vanessa Vallely mobile
Sinead Bunting mobile
Amali de Alwis mobile
Anna Brailsford mobile
Anne-Marie Imafidon mobile
Gori Yahaya mobile
Jacqueline de Rojas mobile

Join 827 organisations and become a TTC Signatory

If you are ready to join us in delivering greater workforce diversity and inclusion, click the button below to join the TTC.

Boss woman