D&I for tech leaders

A D&I report for tech leaders on how to hire, retain and progress women in tech, created in a collaboration between Tech Talent Charter and Code First Girls

How to hire, retain and progress women in tech

This report has been created by the Tech Talent Charter (TTC) and Code First Girls (CFG) to provide recommendations for technology leaders looking to attract, retain and progress women in technology.

This report is suitable for any employer looking to build a diverse talent pipeline and foster an inclusive culture in which women in technical roles can thrive.

Our data

This report draws on data from market-leading tech organisations and the largest community of coders, instructors, and tech mentors in the UK. In 2023, the Tech Talent Charter surveyed their Signatory base of 649 organisations, showing the business impact that actioning change in D&I can have on a company's culture, productive output and bottom line. In August 2022, Code First Girls surveyed more than 1,200 women in the Code First Girls community collecting data about their experiences entering and progressing in the tech workforce.

This report brings together these two data sources to provide a list of comprehensive recommendations for employers looking to increase the proportion of women working in technical roles. They support inclusion across many diversity lenses and can be enacted irrespective of team size or budget.

For more information on how to work with Code First Girls, please get in touch.
Code First Girls - programmes@codefirstgirls.com

D&I for tech leaders
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