Watch the highlights of the official launch of the Climate Action Data Trust  at the Asia Climate Summit 2022 (ACS).
Watch the highlights of the official launch of the Climate Action Data Trust at the Asia Climate Summit 2022 (ACS).
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Building an End-to-End Digital Ecosystem for Carbon Markets-background

Building an End-to-End Digital Ecosystem for Carbon Markets

Climate Warehouse
Climate Warehouse  icon

Climate Warehouse

The Climate Warehouse program prototypes, tests, and develops digital infrastructure to foster greater transparency, trust, and integrity in the carbon markets. Successfully prototyped and tested elements of the digital infrastructure will be operationalized to build the market infrastructure. Examples include the recently launched metadata platform to connect and aggregate registry information (the Climate Action Data (CAD) Trust), digital MRV systems, national carbon registries, tokenization instruments, and a one-stop resource platform that enhances knowledge-sharing and capacity-building.

End-to-End Digital Ecosystem for Carbon Markets
work page graphic

Ecosystem & Collaborations

Metadata Layer - Climate Action Data (CAD) Trust

National Carbon Registries

Digital Measurement, Reporting & Verification (d-MRV)


Knowledge & Capacity Building