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William Davies

William Davies is a sociologist and political economist. His latest book is Unprecedented? How Covid-19 Revealed the Politics of Our Economy

July 2024

  • Illustration: Guardian Design

    The Audio Long Read
    How the Tories pushed universities to the brink of disaster – podcast

  • Broken Uni tory mortarboard illustration

    The broken years: Tory Britain 2010-24
    How the Tories pushed universities to the brink of disaster

January 2024

  • Illustration by Nate Kitch

    Eye-watering taxes are a problem for the Tories – and an even bigger one for Labour

    William Davies
    After 13 years of Conservative rule, many voters simply resent taxes, now that they no longer mean better public services, says the political economist William Davies

September 2023

  • Naomi Klein.

    Book of the day
    Doppelganger: A Trip Into the Mirror World by Naomi Klein review – a case of mistaken identity

    An insightful and subtle exploration of truth in politics, prompted by constantly being confused with Naomi Wolf

July 2023

  • Rishi Sunak at Mulberry School for Girls in east London, having announced plans to cap the number of students on ‘poor quality’ university degree courses, 17 July 2023

    No, Rishi Sunak, ‘rip-off’ degree courses aren’t the problem – failed education policy is

    William Davies
    Should anyone need yet more proof that higher education is an area not best left to the market, this absurd ‘crackdown’ is it, says sociologist William Davies

March 2023

  • An aerial view of downtown Hong Kong

    Book of the day
    Crack-Up Capitalism by Quinn Slobodian review – zoning out

    How the special economic areas championed by rightwing radicals undermine democracy

October 2022

  • First time buyer figures<br>Embargoed to 0001 Monday April 05 File photo dated 08/06/16 of a couple of women studying the house price signs in an estate agents window. First-time buyers are saving more than £800 a year compared with if they were renting typically, analysis suggests. Issue date: Monday April 5, 2021. PA Photo. Halifax said the cost gap between being on the property ladder and renting has widened over the past year. See PA story MONEY Buyers. Photo credit should read: Yui Mok/PA Wire

    In Britain today it seems your suffering only counts if you have a mortgage

    William Davies
    Despite a deepening crisis, it wasn’t until homeowners were threatened that Westminster reacted, says political economist William Davies

September 2022

  • Andrew Bailey, governor of the Bank of England, and the chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, 7 September 2022.

    The era of low interest rates is ending – its legacy is inequality and toxic politics

    William Davies
  • Liz Truss.

    Trussonomics will be a reckless exercise in slashing the state when there’s nothing left to cut

    William Davies

August 2022

  • Illustration: Thomas Pullin

    There’s a gaping hole at the centre of British politics where ideas used to be

    William Davies
    Ideas once animated politics. Now our political class is rudderless at a time of crisis, says writer William Davies

May 2022

  • Composite illustration of pound coins.

    This age of inflation reveals the sickness ailing Britain’s economy: rentier capitalism

    William Davies
    Profits have become all-but guaranteed for wealthy elites, says economist William Davies

April 2022

  • Donald Trump,Nigel Farage<br>FILE - In this Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, right, welcomes pro-Brexit British politician Nigel Farage, to speak at a campaign rally in Jackson, Miss. USA. Farage, the self-declared “pantomime villain” of Brexit, told the Associated Press Tuesday Jan. 14, 2020, he is leaving the European Union's parliament in Strasbourg later this week with a sense of mission accomplished. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

    The Audio Long Read
    From the archive: why we stopped trusting elites – podcast

    This week, from 2018: The credibility of establishment figures has been demolished by technological change and political upheavals. But it’s too late to turn back the clock

November 2021

  • Boris Johnson at the Lord Mayor's banquet at the Guildhall in central London, 15 November 2021.

    If Boris Johnson were a stock, canny investors would be looking to unload

    William Davies
    The prime minister’s ‘value’ is a bubble at the point of bursting, says political economist William Davies

October 2021

  • R FRESSON 081021 OPINION final1 web

    When others stay silent about the ills of British capitalism, liars like Johnson rush in

    William Davies
    For 30 years, politicians have ducked hard questions about our economy. Now the Tories promise to magic the problems away, says political economist William Davies

September 2021

  • Keir Starmer

    The panel
    The verdict on Keir Starmer’s vision statement for Labour, The Road Ahead

    William Davies, Rafael Behr, Ash Sarkar and Caroline Molloy
    Our panel of hardworking writers has read the Labour leader’s 14,000-word essay – here’s what they think

June 2021

  • Punishing the young serves Johnson’s politics of nostalgia

    William Davies
  • Gordon Brown at Scottish Labour outdoor rally in May.

    Book of the day
    Seven Ways to Change the World by Gordon Brown review – a restless search for answers

May 2021

  • illustration by EVA BEE

    The secret of Johnson’s success lies in his break with Treasury dominance

    William Davies
    Gordon Brown’s rule-based approach shaped Whitehall for two decades. But the Tories are forging a new politics that has little regard for prudence, says political economist William Davies

April 2021

  • Johnson’s Tories are reaping the rewards of an economy built on rising house prices

    William Davies
    For a decade, wages stagnated while governments have propped up the housing market – with dire consequences for our society, says political economist William Davies

February 2021

  • ‘I have never encountered a senior British politician who lies so regularly, so shamelessly’ ... Oborne on Johnson, left, with David Cameron in 2012.

    Book of the day
    The Assault on Truth by Peter Oborne review – Boris Johnson's lies

    A clinical and merciless account of Johnson’s mendacity, written by a former colleague
About 57 results for William Davies