Sept. 25–27, 2024

Welcome to ACES VCON24.

Join ACES and your peers at ACES VCON24, our third annual virtual conference, held this year September 25–27, 2024.

ACES VCON24 helps editors identify, hone, and advance their editing skills, career goals, and personal aspirations.

The 35 sessions, with offerings across a wide range of topics and skill levels, are designed to support new and established editors working in across industries and specialties around the U.S. and the world to expand and grow their professional development.

Whether you work for someone else or for yourself, VCON24 has answers to your editorial questions. You will return to your job with new and refreshed skills.

You'll also find a cohort to connect with during and after the conference. Networking opportunities abound. Everyone gathers on the very active Community board of Whova, the conference app. Join a discussion or start your own.

Meetups, contests, session chats — there's lots of opportunities to talk with colleagues and edibuddies, and connect with sponsors and session presenters, all from the comfort of your home or office.

In short:

Attend VCON24 if you work with language and want to connect with editors, communication professionals, and language experts from around the globe who share a common goal: to improve the quality of the written word and the working lives of editors.

Send your employees to VCON24 if you want your internal and external workplace communications to reflect the latest information and thinking — both technical and philosophical — about language, style, and written communication.

Early-bird registration opens July 8 and runs through July 29.
General registration closes Sept. 10.

All sessions are held in Eastern time.

The sessions will be presented live and recorded. All recordings and session materials will be available to conference registrants for 90 days after the end of the conference.

Schedule at a Glance

Tracks and Sessions

Session presenters

VCON24 Meetups


Conference News

Present at ACES VCON24