First there are the intangible benefits: 

Then there are the material benefits, including discounts on: 

and more. For the complete list, go to Member Benefits

Among other things, members also get: 

And don't forget the opportunities to get involved with ACES, such as voting in annual Board elections, joining a committee or task force, and volunteering at conferences. 

A complete list of ACES member benefits

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Read what ACES members have to say.

“Finding ACES two years ago was the best thing I ever did! :)”

“I really like the ACES community. I've met so many people at the conferences, through Twitter chats, and the digital boot camp. I know that if I ever have a question, there is someone I can go to.”

“Love the conference — the biggest perk of being a member! And how it's allowed me to connect with like-minded editors across the country after the fact (on Twitter, via email, etc.).”

“I like the discount to attend ACES (that prompted my membership), and I love the Twitter chats. I've found a warm, helpful community of editors through ACES.”

“I love ACES. I feel like I've found my people.”

“Great newsletter, generous learning community.”

“Access to a community of like-minded peers is a great benefit of membership.”

“I joined this summer, and I appreciate the discount I received for the copy editing certificate course at Poynter. Also appreciate guidance as I start my freelance copyediting business.”

“I find the conference to be particularly valuable, and the editing product discounts are fabulous.”

“I like that it lends credibility to my work, since clients know that I am an active member in a community of editors and that I have access to many more resources (and talented peers) than I would on my own.”

“I appreciate the connection to my fellow editors, whether once a year (at the convention) or on a daily basis (through social media and the real-life connections that ACES has made possible).”

“The conference is the reason I renew my membership. It's a fabulous conference!”

“I like being able to connect with professional people who I respect, and hearing the latest information about our craft.”

“As a national organization devoted to copy editors and their craft and profession, ACES creates opportunities for editors like me to refresh and advance our skill sets, learn about new or different career tracks, and meet and mix with kindred spirits. Being an ACES member gives me a professional home where I can share knowledge -- both receiving and imparting it -- as well as a sense of purpose.”

“All the ACES members I've met have been awesome people. I genuinely appreciate feeling a part of the community!”

“I love ACES!”

“I love the friendly people at ACES. Thank you for being so welcoming at the conference. I can't wait to come back.”

“Thank you for everything you do. You've made me love editing again. I am a better editor for knowing you.”

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