Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

by dioangel

Original Post

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Expert
@WTF_Huitzo " i'm all in for input lobbies , roller player should all be on console lobbies."

How about no? Don't make your PC issues a console issue.
Message 31 of 60 (333 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@ComicBookGuy2727 1. The movement techs are inherent bugs in the game that the developers have allowed and want to keep in the game, nearly all forms of movement tech can be done with controllers as well. But yes for fairness they should allow controllers to have an option to also be able to do them. But either way, being able to perform something better cause your input is different is vastly different from giving the inferior input soft aimbot as a crutch. Movement is something we found and have learned to use, AA is something they give to all controller players from the getgo, which is completely unfair.

2. How the game is meant to be played is subjective, it is a movement based, character shooter/BR, movement tech that was in the game since titanfall doesnt detract from that at all or make em worse players, mastering movement and aiming is harder to do than not to do it, even when it gives you an advantage, it is the whole reason that so few people are able to and bother with actually learning it.

3.Again you are mentioning inherent benefits attributed by the input, just being superior vs the inherent input of a developer making and giving someone soft aimbot. Those are very different things, you could technically remove those benefits from pc players or enable more of it to be done on console (all of it is doable on controller pc forexample), but either way they are vastly different "benefits" and one requires massive amounts of skill and knowledge.

4.Cause pc players have the stats to prove their arguments and all controller players have is feelings based whine ? Like it isnt even a discussion, you are conflating and equating that bugs and skill based improvements at a game is at all the same as a developer enabling soft aimbot for 80% of the playerbase per default. Now that we can see that AA is massively too good, to the point that everything pro is legit going full controller, it isnt even an argument anymore...

5. All this crying is legit that, we dont care how it is done, but the fact of the matter is that it is here. Whether the inputs get seperated and controller players are left out of tournaments is one way to do it, or seperate inputs tournaments, either way the result is the same, AA is removed as a massive disadvantage vs people who doesnt have it, aka MnK players.

AA isnt needed for controllers at all, it never has been, it was invented to make bad couch players able to hit a lot more shots and enjoy console gaming a lot more, without feeling how bad they were. This is a fair idea in a none comp or crossplatform game, but in a comp crossplay game, fairness and an equal battlefield is key. The only equal battlefield you can 100% guarantee that, is to have 0 AA in comp and allow everyone to use whatever input they want.
Message 32 of 60 (327 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@CCbathwater Yet consoles/controller inherently made it an issue for pc players/mnk players.

So what is your solution then ?

It is either seperate inputs completely and give them equally, whatever they want, or remove AA entirely and allow both consoles and MnK to choose a controller or MnK. That is the absolute most fair option.
Message 33 of 60 (324 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Expert
@TheDarkWaver How about PlayStation plays with PlayStation, on our PS5 controllers? Then all the Microsoft users can have crossplay with each other or not, and play whichever input they wish.
Message 34 of 60 (314 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Expert

Oh, xbox player says hard no to that, assuming you're lumping xbox and pc under the M$ banner.

No, it's time that pc players were turned loose on each other and only on each other.
Message 35 of 60 (285 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Guide

@TheDarkWaver The MnK community are asking for changes that will be of benefit to them. Some are even boldly saying that Aim assist should be completely removed on consoles as well. They clearly don't care about how changes will affect other communities and only want their preferences pushed forward. Sounds like catering to me.


Also the idea that Aim assists exists to balance between MnK and controllers is laughable. I don't know who said something so ridiculous but Aim assist existed when I played Goldeneye on the N64 and I don't believe there was crossplay then.


If Mnk is pushing for separate lobbies then I agree with that. I don't care so long as this is a MnK problem but I back the idea 100%.  However, MnK users should have no say in how controllers work.


Lastly I HATE how the AA feels in this game but the input device that does not need it should have no say.

Message 36 of 60 (280 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@CCbathwater So exactly the same solution basically, everyone only plays with everyone that has the same inputs available to them as they have ?

PS has MnK support afaik, but it is limited and not rolled out for all games, there is no reason why we cant have console vs console as their inputs are the same basically and they both get AA. But AA vs mnk is the real problem, that needs to be addressed.

Your solution is fine, but it still needs to be addressed that in that instance you would still need to remove AA from the microsoft environment to make it fair.

Message 37 of 60 (275 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@Zamaha400 No they are not asking for beneficial changes for them, they are specifically asking for the unfair aim assist to not be a beneficial advantage for controller players, those are not the same thing. The MnK community has never given a f about AA on console, we had 10-20 years of console AA that no one cared about cause Crossplay wasnt introduced and generally tournaments didnt feature PC vs Console or controller to begin with.

Aim assist wasnt made to balance the power between MnK and Controller, that is absolutely right, however it has become a balancing tool between the inputs as stated directly by developers of multiple crossplay games including Fortnite, Apex and Call of Duty Warzone.

MnK users arent specifically interested in how it is done, the main problem and outcome that they want, is that pc competetive environments and tournaments in general does in no way have AA that is an unfair advantage. Whether they seperate the inputs, disable AA on pc and in tournaments, it doesnt really matter. Again i point to the fact we had near 10-20 years of console aim assist that no PC player ever cared about, cause it was console vs console...

How in hell does an input that is directly affected by AA, not have a say in the matter ? All inputs are in this world together, all have a say in all aspects of the game, so long as the arguments make sense and are validly backed up with evidence. If you seperate MnK and Controller completely again, then sure MnK should have no say in what happens on Controllers side, just like controller shouldnt on MnK´s side. However the reality is that crossplay is here and it is mostly always going to be here, so the only fair option is to allow everyone to use the superior inputs by hardware and disable artificial benefits like AA, when it comes to ranked, competetive and tournaments.
Message 38 of 60 (273 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★ Guide
@CCbathwater if you make ps5 only lobbies then xbox player'll never find a game since no one play on this garbage lmao
Message 39 of 60 (196 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Expert
@WTF_Huitzo Doesn't really seem like a PlayStation problem to me.
Message 40 of 60 (169 Views)