Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

by dioangel

Original Post

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Guide

@TheDarkWaver Unless you're arguing that Aim assist doesn't put MnK at a disadvantage it's impossible to say that ripping it out wouldn't be favorable to them. I'm not even debating whether aim assist is fair or not but that's a change that would CLEARLY be for the experience of MnK. Whether the change is fair/balanced/necessary or whatever it's still a change meant to benefit MnK. People seem to think that conceding a point means losing an argument but this is getting a little silly.


We do agree that lobbies should be separate though. I've hated the thought of crossplay since it was first mentioned and I'm still adamantly against it.

Message 41 of 60 (313 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★★ Pro

If Respawn actually wants Apex to be fair & balanced but will still not let MnK players turn crossplay off, they need to use data like this to tune AA for roller players.  That all assumes that this is valid data.

Message 42 of 60 (288 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@Zamaha400 That is like arguing that abolishing slavery was a benefit to the slaves. Generally we dont consider removing an unfair advantage as a benefit to the opposite party. Which is why saying it is a benefit to MnK is weird, again both inputs have certain strengths and then adding AA onto Controllers in the cross input battle means you gave an unfair advantage to the controller players, that you are simply removing.
Message 43 of 60 (273 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@CCbathwater Just curious, why do you mind playing with Xbox ? Like it is near identical input methods and their controllers are so damn similar. In my opinion it would be like a windows player saying they dont want to play with linux players or mac players in online games ?
Message 44 of 60 (272 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★ Guide

If my all gets even worse, I’m quitting, and so will 1000s of others. Then we’ll see if the game survives.

Message 45 of 60 (271 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★ Apprentice
@Frosty20203 What do you mean "All" ? If you mean Aim assist, then the games charts on pc (steam) has been bleeding players through a lot of seasons and at least a lot of em is related to aim assist although not solely. Console AA can stay whatever they want, when theyplay with each other.
Message 46 of 60 (252 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Guide

@TheDarkWaver After looking it up it seems I'm wrong. I've always used the word "benefit" to refer to which side something leans toward however it seems it means to give an advantage to or profit. I was lightly mocking MnK for focusing on their disadvantages while claiming a one-sided fix would make things equal. I don't believe things can be equal between the two inputs and even if the devs found a way I doubt both communities will agree things are fair.


Both inputs don't have strengths sans AA though. The one advantage controller has is Aim assist unless there's another I've taken for granted. Taking it away wouldn't make things "fair" it would just give MnK an undisputed advantage... which the Mnk community would call fair.

Message 47 of 60 (197 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★★ Apprentice

@Zamaha400 wrote:

@TheDarkWaver After looking it up it seems I'm wrong. I've always used the word "benefit" to refer to which side something leans toward however it seems it means to give an advantage to or profit. I was lightly mocking MnK for focusing on their disadvantages while claiming a one-sided fix would make things equal. I don't believe things can be equal between the two inputs and even if the devs found a way I doubt both communities will agree things are fair.


Both inputs don't have strengths sans AA though. The one advantage controller has is Aim assist unless there's another I've taken for granted. Taking it away wouldn't make things "fair" it would just give MnK an undisputed advantage... which the Mnk community would call fair.

Therefore splitting the 2 platforms is the best solution...

Message 48 of 60 (178 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★ Newbie

You wanna be a contrarian for fun. Get off this forum.

Message 49 of 60 (143 Views)

Re: Aim assist is aim bot, we have data now...

★★★ Pro

I still want to know where I can buy one of these clearly better, more advanced controllers, because my AA literally does NOTHING and never did anything, at all. I can turn it off and not notice any difference, really. 

Message 50 of 60 (448 Views)