Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

by Black_Jesus2372

Original Post

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

★ Pro
@hayhor That would be something xD

But she is very useful in some cases. I had a teammate that was Alter and a Gibby used his Ultimate on my team. We were cornered next to a building and we had no way to maneuver away from that attack. Thankfully, my teammate who was Alter used her ability and created a portal through the wall and we made it inside.

Talk about a quick escape.

As for her Ultimate, it's very useful for a very tight situation. But the amount of time it takes for you to activate the portal takes time and not wise when enemies are close.
Message 11 of 13 (445 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

@TheRedLion93 Yeah I feel she is quite strong. Her passive isn't limiter to 1 item from all area deathboxes. It's 1 item from each. She's better than loba that way. Her tactical is crazy fun, especially when you do it through the ceiling. The ults best use for me was when downed my alter teammate put it down so I could portal back to her.

I am happy to see her tact does make noise and a strong visual queue.
Message 12 of 13 (423 Views)

Re: Alter Revealed - Discuss the newest Legend here!

★★★★★ Newbie
@EA_Mako Could we consider allowing alter to portal the ground and a portal will appear about 10 feet in front of the original one based on where your looking when portaling the COMPLETE ground floor? For example you could TP the floor in firing range and come out 10 feet infront of the entrance, you could use this to tp behind someone on a door with out them even noticing if you know that there is no bottom floor to this structure your fighting in, this would allow alter to be more useful when fighting in a open fields or large hills in KC for example because if you dont have ANY geology then your basically 100% dead with out your ultimate being preplaced.
Message 13 of 13 (362 Views)