EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

by EA_Illium

Original Post

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★★★★★ Apprentice

ma quando caxxo arrivano le patch!? quando caxxo li sistemate sti score tutti sbagliati!? ma siete mongoloidi o cosa in EA!?!? nn si può fare un match perchè i punteggi sono tutti errati.....ma andate affanculo va, voi e i soldi che vi ho dato!!!

Message 21 of 31 (2,579 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

Community Manager

Hey Everyone, 


Sharing the latest Community Newsletter for June highlighting what happened with PGA Tour last month and some awesome threads to check out!


Thanks Again, 


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Message 22 of 31 (2,505 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★ Guide

when planned the next update (4)

Message 23 of 31 (2,361 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★★★★★ Apprentice
@EA_Illium Thanks for the Newsletter! Some interesting bits. So, from this newsletter, are we to assume there is nothing new from the Dev Team? No patches or content coming this month? No DLC with maybe new courses and PGA Players etc etc.Nothing at all this month?
Message 24 of 31 (2,328 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

Community Manager

Hey Everyone, 


I wanted to update the Patch notes for update 4.0 are now up. 


You can find them here




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Message 25 of 31 (2,224 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★★★ Newbie

WISH LIST: When joining ONLINE Play, the new courses added should come up WAY more often than they currently do. Also, we need to get to a point where we can select the course we want to play online vs. others. I don't like the random selection, and it causes me to jump out and in until I find a course I want to play.

Message 26 of 31 (2,176 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★★★ Pro

@evanfrankel33 wrote:

WISH LIST: When joining ONLINE Play, the new courses added should come up WAY more often than they currently do. Also, we need to get to a point where we can select the course we want to play online vs. others. I don't like the random selection, and it causes me to jump out and in until I find a course I want to play.

Find some friends to play with, you can create your own rooms and pick your own courses. That's what we do.


My issue is that you cannot create the playing environment you want. You are regulated to EA's presets... or leaving the conditions wide open.


It would be nice to be able to set the environment where you had access to every Game and Visual option in the game when creating a room.

Message 27 of 31 (1,943 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★★★ Pro
@EA_Illium Thank you for the shoutout for the October Community Monthly Newsletter.
Message 28 of 31 (1,308 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

Community Manager
Hi @PalomaMarvel24, Thanks for being awesome!!!


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Message 29 of 31 (662 Views)

Re: EA Sports PGA Tour - Community Monthly Newsletter Discussion

★★★★ Guide
@EA_Illium Thanks for the shoutout in the latest newsletter!
Message 30 of 31 (639 Views)


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