Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

by Asmodeus566

Original Post

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Guide

@B0rUs1. i would rather have no respawn than 2. kind of kills the vibe of having to be carefull all the time, thats one thing why people hotdrop that much, having a good golden weapon with 1 life less is better than having a grey/blue weapon but n extra live that doesnt work in the end anyways

2. same with the warning system. if people want to camp/tactical wait somewhere, so be it, thats the origin of a br and i like it that way

3. stop blaming the aimassist for everything. full team of mnk players just won algs, so it cant be that bad. just because tsm controller team dominated for a time doesnt make controller aimassist thousend times stronger than mnk. problem is the matchmaking, having sweaty preds and masters in EVERY lobby with rookies and bronze in the same one is just unfair, especially if said preds and masters rely on colluding with one another.... its just stupid

and i dont know what it is about queue times, for me on xbox i get instant invite every time, never had to wait



i really love that we have a solos mode, with new rules or not, i dont care, i want it to be permanent but not replacing duos, WORST DECISION EVER, friend and i are so disappointed that we dont play apex when we are both online, just solo when one isnt online... its sad and stupid to ruin the game for 2 friends who are playing together all the time,

Message 31 of 76 (578 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★ Novice

3. Tbh I wasn't complaining about aim assist. I said their movement "tech" made me wish I had it. It wasn't anything negative about the aim assist being bad or overpowered. I've played console before, it's not amazing but it's not terrible and it hasn't felt like it has really helped me outside like 10m engagements, and even then only with hip spray on a 99 and only a handful of times. I just really hate someone jumping off a wall and over my head with a peacekeeper, or jumping off a wall and sliding 10m and doing some weird movement jiggle back and forth making it really hard to hit them. Or was jumping then slide bouncing with forward on a scroll wheel around a corner.


TBH I'm surprised it took mnk to win after so long, considering they can just bunny hop around console all day.

Message 32 of 76 (566 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★ Pro

It's hard to accept people are better than you. Solos really let's you know where you stand.



I love this mode.

Message 33 of 76 (532 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

@B0rUs Really like the idea to force people to spread out. Something like straight shot would be good.
Message 34 of 76 (527 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★ Pro

After Reject won, quite a lot of people projected that Aim Assist fanatics will use that win to talk the effect of the assist down , and here we are !
You cant compare that top notch team effort in a competitive setting in Trios with a brainless pub hot-drop solo mode that mostly boils down to a close combat in which controller players get the assisted advantage.
After countless clips proving it unbalanced, even the Respawn devs had to admit that they aren't happy with it :

Message 35 of 76 (524 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★★ Expert

This thread should be pinned at least for the duration we have Solos.

Message 36 of 76 (432 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

@Lord_Scorpion34 It has been since the season started.
Message 37 of 76 (410 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@hayhorI didn't notice 😅


One annoying thing about this mode is when you switch weapons the sight you have on it pops offs & you have to look for it. So you have to take it off before switching.

Message 38 of 76 (382 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread

★★★★★ Pro
@DankToliet I don't need solos for me to know I suck at this game. I just don't need matchmaking to continually rub it into my face that I do.
Message 39 of 76 (351 Views)

Re: Solo's Mode, The Good, Bad or Ugly S21 Thread


The Good:  The mode works


The Bad:  Matching up against Preds when I've never reached higher than plat is a joke.


The Ugly:  People teaming.



Take a page from Destiny 2 with Trials and create a new pool for people that have won a match.  Keep winners in that pool for 48hrs before it resets.

CCP Champion Banner - Blue.png

Message 40 of 76 (311 Views)