Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

by HappyHourSumwur

Original Post

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Novice

I quit this *. Fix SBMM. I want to play players of similar skills. 

Message 251 of 264 (798 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Pro

@Bulte002Matchmaking exists on a ladder.

It’s entirely possible that the higher skilled players you run into have lost A LOT in the high MMR lobbies (which exist whether you believe so or not. The MAJORITY of players you hate— the higher skilled ones, are indeed playing each other the majority of the time).

My advice is that you exclusively play ranked. But even then you have to come to grips with the idea that better players exist and that you will play them. Your outcomes represent where you are in the skill bell curve.

Message 252 of 264 (776 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★ Pro
@Axs5626Sxa5001 so how can it be possible that players without any form of gamesense nor aim have a high rank at this stage. dropping hot, dying under 100 dmg but are nearly diamond at this point ? If they play with me they die like flies, not like that higher rank suggest. It seems they normally get way easier lobbies to reach those high ranks in comparison. thats why they even try to hotdrop. The MM is rigged , plain and simple
Message 253 of 264 (711 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Apprentice

...Your outcome doesn't represent where you are in the skill bell curve though?


For example:

- when returning from hiatus you'll have ~two "easy" matches, and then it goes "OK BACK TO NORMAL"

- when starting out you get protection lobbies

- ranked is setup to encourage grind in 80% of the playerbase, not to measure skill

- "normal" matchmaking would expose you to the entire playerbase equally (including the really * people)


The fact is nobody would play or watch football if matchmaking put Champions League teams vs your local school.

Message 254 of 264 (674 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@USAno54 Not cool man. How does harassing some engineer help with the matchmaking?

Stop for a second and think.
You are proposing to group harass on some 9-5 game company employee trying to feed their family because you are not having fun on the free to play game their employer has made. 
I strongly urge you to go outside and touch grass. 

We keep blaming Respawn / EA about the MM but do we have any clue how much of the crap in it is there because of other players?
Streamer Noko said couple of days ago that ranked up to gold level is riddled with sweat smurfs. Above plat ranked is riddled with cheaters. 

So is this EA / Respawn fault or is it the playerbase again that is causing these kind of issues?

Is EA / Respawn doing DDOS attacks to crash servers? YT search "how to get Apex easier/bot lobbies" and you will find so many videos about how to exploit the system.

IMO If EA would remove the free to play from Apex and charge lets say $10 for account most of the issues would go away. 
Risk of getting caught would actually mean something. Not "oh no I lost my special pixel suit". 

Message 255 of 264 (570 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★ Newbie

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but it is about matchmaking in Apex.  I'd like to know how it is fair when I'm in gold, almost getting demoted and my teammates are silver and we get put into a plat lobby.  And why do I lose points if I'm 2 ranks above my teammate?  In past years you would get loss forgiven if a teammate was lower rank than you.  It makes it very difficult to level up.  It is very easy to get into gold but then hard to get into plat when your teammates are bronze and silver.

Message 256 of 264 (253 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

@T_Harsh1127There are about 26 pages of answers to your question on this thread.


PS - With Solos and Quads and the recent ban wave long gone, it is now as bad as ever.

Message 257 of 264 (228 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★ Guide
@Airish85 Well aren't they already charge ridicilous prices of the skins and items they sell and most of em are hot garbage, compare that fortnite don't have the same issue and both using same anti-cheat system however apex don't have it active the same way. HisWattson stated ages ago how he can play 1000 games of fortnite without bump into a cheater and we all know what is the deal with apex they just greedy and lazy. Apex will die soon no one will play game with this amount of cheaters, matchmakin doesnt even matter anymore as the state of cheatin has gone mad. Also yes its EA's fault for smurfs as they put lvl up to play ranked to 50 then again lowerin it down to 20, just to show good stats generally how many playin this dyin game. makes no sense this comment Risk of getting caught would actually mean something. Not "oh no I lost my special pixel suit". , Noko statement I agree though'.
Message 258 of 264 (86 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

@MindTrick85  Not sure what message are you referring to but I assume its the latest where I replied to a now deleted post about some creepo encouraging people to go group harass some poor EA engineers? Is that something you are after with the phrase "its EAs fault"? Dude you still remember when Hiswattson got banned from ALGS due dev harassment? Surelysurely he is getting the best possible help for his current streamsniper problem from the devs in comparison to likes of ImperialHal... 

Fortnite comparisons arent valid as player numbers are totally different. In the previous 24h period Fortnite peak player count was almost 3 million simultaneous players. Apex ALL TIME highest player count is around 600K... On average Fortnite has 10 times more concurrent players than Apex. Of course you are not going to run into cheaters that much.

Also Apex has generated about 4 billion USD since its lauch in 2019. Fortnite makes about 5-6 B USD in a YEAR. And yes, their skins & events & innovativeness is on another level. In one of the previous posts I already said that they have totally different strategies. Apex has low risk-low reward strategy with small investments of recolors & made up events vs Fortnite has high risk-high reward strategy with licensed skins & massive brand events. So far the latter seems to be working better. 

And yes there are cheaters in Fortnite 

Has to be said though, innovativeness makes Fortnite playable for casuals without cheats.
There are so many other game modes you can play without having to sweat. In short you can have fun. 

Apex is trying its best to be a serious competitive shooter. With limited options of Pubs, ranked & mixtape in the game many people trying to have "just fun" resort to cheating to not feel miserable after playing. Should Apex bring in custom PvE bot lobbies for the fun of it,  IMO it would reduce cheating a lot. Like imagine BR match where you could set your own rules for a custom lobby against bots and/or friends. Take out Path Q timers and spiderman across the map. Or simple as not having to play your meta weapons & legends to get a kill every three games. Forget the EOMM/SBMM to make profits. Optimize FUN. 

Yes, there is a chance the Apex will be shutdown by EA and we will most likely be sad about it.
If you are not sad about it why are you "hate gaming" it now? I think thats what they call addiction brother. 
Me, Ive had almost 3000h of COMPLETELY FREE entertainment from Apex which I am very thankful to anyone who paid for anything in the game to keep it alive for so long.

Message 259 of 264 (75 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★ Guide
@Airish85 Dev harrasment is not cool on any lvl I agree with you on this one. I have 9686 hrs 55 mins playtime on apex showed by EA app, and I have spent a lot of money as well for this game, point is they don't focus on real issues that game has which are 99% cheating issue. Generally in business if you treat your customers like poop they will not comin back and that's the case here lots of players feel like they have been mistreated by EA not fixin or not even tryin to find actual solutions on ongoin issues, includin myself, that's one of the reasons I stop buyin' anything ingame content. I play fortnite ranked as well 1200hrs on that game and I have encounter 2 cheaters during that amount of hours. In apex this season you pretty much encounter at least a wallhacker in every single lobby you play. I love competitive gaming when it's fair not when u get killed by a cheater over and over again. My hiswattson statement was only bout' fortnite comment and I agree on that hands down. I can play 1000 matches of fortnite without a cheater. EA has multibillion revenue due to it's games generally so kinda lame excuse. If fortnite would have similar cheater issue there would be more cheaters as well so that statement doesn't make sense either. This season I played like what 5 games of solos in 2 of them I got killed by a cheater at endgame tells a lot about the state of the game, and I am not the only one who feels like it's dyin check all the YT videos from big apex channels... Sayin the exact same thing. Other modes don't even matter in this case if multiple preds are able to cheat on highest level without ban there's an issue with anticheat and that is a solid fact, you have to admit that is correct. They haven't worked on anticheat the way they should. I have seen this similar cheating issue on battlefront 2015 when game started to die it got overrun by cheaters and soon no one played it anymore, same happend with need for speed world. I loved apex seasons and seasons and seasons over and over but then somethin' went sideways it's like an artist lost his passion to paint they lost their passion to keep the game fun. They more focused if someone sayin poop in game chat than actually ban the cheaters with aimbots wallhacks speedhacks etc. This is also a fact.
Message 260 of 264 (62 Views)