The official Matchmaking blog post

by Cheese9Man

Original Post

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Apprentice

Screenshot 2023-01-19 211703.png


Preds don't have to smurf now they are in silver lobbies Large smile

Message 41 of 264 (2,423 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★ Expert
@Ryezer-Sco Well, this whole thread makes me happier about uninstalling and walking away.
Message 42 of 264 (2,400 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Apprentice
@Ryezer-Sco at least its a little bit funny that nobody can even tell if that's the new matchmaker "working as intended", or they literally just broke matching trying to put it in! :D
Message 43 of 264 (2,359 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★ Expert

@hayhor Yeah we know, but Respawn said that in ranked we were already put against similar skilled players so, I wanted to show that it's not true Wink.

Message 44 of 264 (2,353 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post


whether the changes to MM have rolled out yet or not does not matter because in ranked play Plat players and above are not supposed to be able and are not allowed actually to play more than one tier below their rank. So plats are relegated to at most playing vs golds and above. They should not at all be found in a bronze lobby.



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Message 45 of 264 (2,347 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Novice

While those MM-changes might be okay for public matches - they are most definitely not for ranked...!

aka Silver I vs. Pred #26 (!!!)

EU-servers are simply unplayable right now for anybody with a skill level below Masters, because you get literally all Elo's in one lobby.

FIX FIX FIX - cause Preds are farming us like nothing...........



Message 46 of 264 (2,335 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

@Asmodeus566 From what I've seen from people I know it's been like this for a couple seasons. And based on the MM blog post I expect it will remain this way or get worse in ranked.
Message 47 of 264 (2,318 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

[ Edited ]


Yes I know that sometimes gold ranked players would have to deal with the occasional diamond or master player, things happen and it was an occasional occurrence.

Right now the problem is not that it is occasional but rather that it is persistent and often.


Yes the new MM does touch on both PUBS and RANKED it still is stated in ranked play that Plat and above can only team up with and ply vs players at most one rank below their rank.


With that in mind the skill level is out the window per say because the rank should be the overriding factor where players ply vs similarly ranked players, predator players is not in any shape way or form similar in rank or skill to a bronze player unless that bronze player was a Predator ranked player in the past.


I have never had the time to grind past gold, I think if I did I could make plat but would be hard stuck there, I neither have the skills or the time to be better than that and should never ever see a Pred ranked player in my lobby nor should any one in the same situation as me. Especially since EA/Respawn states this as part of what ranked play is.


A team of D2's will invariably roll a bronze, silver and possibly even a gold lobby. Look at what Timmy did to bronze silver and gold lobbies when he solo'd Bronze to Pred. Its not fun or fair for lower skilled and or ranked players to get rolled like that, and prob is not so fun for the skilled player as well.


I think that for at least Rank, a player should never have rank decay that is more than 1 rank below their max achieved rank ever. Preds/Master Rank should never decay lower than D4, D1 never below Plat 4 etc. 

The needs of the many,
outweigh the needs of the few or one. --Spock--

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Please note: I am a community volunteer – I do not work for EA.
Me Too – If you also have this problem – first post on thread has this button.
XP – For helpful comments (and to help others 'level up').
Mark As Solution – To help others find the answer to the issue now & in the future.
Message 48 of 264 (2,305 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post

★★★★★ Apprentice

Can you please explain this, this is silver lobby guests, HOW is this possible!? A full stack of predators...current predators.

Message 49 of 264 (2,292 Views)

Re: The official Matchmaking blog post


@Asmodeus566 Unfortunatley I was right in how I read the blog. MM in ranked isn't about your rank any more.



Message 50 of 264 (2,261 Views)