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The Science Behind Trailer Tails and Skirts
The Science Behind Trailer Tails and Skirts
Petroleum Service Company on Apr 02 2018

I remember the first time I saw the odd flaps on the back of a truck driving on the highway. I thoug…
From Reservoir to Rig: The Petroleum Exhibit for Future Professionals
From Reservoir to Rig: The Petroleum Exhibit for Future Professionals
Petroleum Service Company on Jun 07 2017

Over 35,000 petroleum engineers work in the United States each year. They work at drilling sites…
What Exactly Are Sponge Parks?
What Exactly Are Sponge Parks?
Petroleum Service Company on Apr 12 2017

When I first heard the term —sponge park " I envisioned children running around in a park pretty muc…
Petroleum Product of the Week: Light Bulbs
Petroleum Product of the Week: Light Bulbs
Petroleum Service Company on Mar 24 2017

About two weeks after we sprung our clocks ahead for an extra hour of daylight we celebrate Earth …
Petroleum Product of the Week
Someday Your Toilet Might Be a Viable Source of Alternative Energy
Someday Your Toilet Might Be a Viable Source of Alternative Energy
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 12 2016

Toilet. Loo. Porcelain throne. The Oval Office. Whatever you call it, how often do you rea…
DAPL Update: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Denies Permit, Construction Halted
DAPL Update: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Denies Permit, Construction Halted
Petroleum Service Company on Dec 05 2016

On Sunday, December 4, 2016, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied Energy Transfer Partners LP a b…
The Asian Super Grid | Renewable Energy at a High Cost
The Asian Super Grid | Renewable Energy at a High Cost
Petroleum Service Company on Nov 21 2016

Much unlike the many alternative energy efforts undertaken daily across the globe, the Asian Super G…
The Consequences of Global Energy Poverty
The Consequences of Global Energy Poverty
Petroleum Service Company on Nov 02 2016

"Access to energy is fundamental to improving quality of life and is a key imperative for economic d…
Without OIL, we can NEVER hope to reach 100% renewable energy.
Petroleum Service Company on Oct 31 2016

The movement towards —environmentally-friendly " energy resources (definitively amplified in Preside…

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