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Do Electric Cars Need Engine Oil?
Do Electric Cars Need Engine Oil?
Petroleum Service Company on Apr 29 2024

Unlike gas-powered and hybrid cars, electric vehicles don't require engine oil. Since e…
electric cars
The U.S. Wanted to Use Bat Bombs to Fight the Japanese in World War II
The U.S. Wanted to Use Bat Bombs to Fight the Japanese in World War II
Petroleum Service Company on Apr 04 2018

I can only imagine what was going through Lytle S. Adams' mind when, upon hearing news of the Japane…
The Invention and Application of Safety Grooving
The Invention and Application of Safety Grooving
Petroleum Service Company on Mar 28 2018

I was running around with some friends in the rain one night when I witnessed something both horribl…
Steam and STEAM: How We Can Power the Next Industrial Revolution
Steam and STEAM: How We Can Power the Next Industrial Revolution
Petroleum Service Company on Mar 12 2018

History repeats itself, they say. And they, of course, often attribute this to the mistakes we…
Biomimicry: When Nature Inspires Technology
Biomimicry: When Nature Inspires Technology
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 20 2017

Sometimes the best inventions just grab you and stick with you. In 1941, Swiss engineer George d…
3D Printed Houses Are Becoming a Real Estate Reality
3D Printed Houses Are Becoming a Real Estate Reality
Petroleum Service Company on Mar 27 2017

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around 3D printers. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought…
The Mill BLACKBIRD: The Car That Can Transform Itself
The Mill BLACKBIRD: The Car That Can Transform Itself
Petroleum Service Company on Sep 19 2016

Special effects have completely transformed film and video productions—with the help of SFX makeup, …
The Future is Now: The Self-Driving Car Revolution
The Future is Now: The Self-Driving Car Revolution
Petroleum Service Company on May 05 2016

Baby, you can't drive my car ... ...because it's going to drive itself. Duh. If you spend any…
Falling in Love with the Rocket: Happy Birthday, Gravity's Rainbow
Falling in Love with the Rocket: Happy Birthday, Gravity's Rainbow
Petroleum Service Company on Mar 01 2016

While the Western world gathered 'round their televisions last night to find out whether Leonardo D…

Bizrate 2023 Platinum Seven Time Winner