
Is there any way for a server to obtain some information of the mobile devices that are connected to it like memory size and battery power? Is it possible?

Thanks for any reply in advance.


1 Answer 1


If you are creating an Android app using Apache Cordova and jQuery Mobile, you can use cordova-plugin-extended-device-information and cordova-plugin-battery-status to get battery status and device's memory size and then send the data to the server using jQuery.post().

  • Thanks for your answer. So we, as a server provider, need to have an application that runs on mobile user side, right? I mean it is not possible to get these info without any application running on mobile client side? Sorry if my question is silly, I am not expert on android and mobile computing but I just need to know if it is possible or not, to consider more realistic model in my project.
    – Hami
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 7:06
  • I think it's not possible to get those information without the client send it to server. Try this link to get what information that is sent by a browser when connect to a web server . What HTTP Headers is my browser sending? Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 16:37

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