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Questions tagged [mobile-devices]

Mobile devices are a set of handheld devices including mobile phones and smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other portable devices.

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gsap animation works wrong on mobile devices

the acts like gsap.form on mobile devices only it works on desktop and mobile view on pc the function i use import gsap from "gsap"; import { ScrollTrigger } from "gsap/all"...
NourAldin Safwan's user avatar
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Why is the behavior of my checkbox different on a mobile device than on a desktop PC?

I have a Blazor Wasm app that works as expected on a desktop PC but acts "strange" on a mobile device. I created a Blazor fiddle, here. Just click the checkboxes. You will see, they act like ...
Flippowitsch's user avatar
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How to change WooCommerce notice "info" background color on smaller screens?

Okay so firstly I'm no expert coder (hence the question) but I've managed to change the WooCommerce info bar color for desktop viewing, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to change the ...
Mark Bibby's user avatar
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Sony Experia 5 Android Build.Class info

Can anyone help me about the Sony Experia 5 Android Build.Class info ? the output if it print the Build.BRAND + Build.MANUFACTURER + Build.MODEL + Build.HARDWARE + Build.FINGERPRINT + Build.PRODUCT + ...
Ferdinand Nathaniel's user avatar
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Getting "JsonToWebElementConverter" exception when i am trying to connect with remote server to access the cloud devices

Getting the below error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/remote/internal/JsonToWebElementConverter at
Shiva's user avatar
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Blocking YouTube video playback from specific links on iPads managed by Apple's MDM

I'm an IT administrator at a middle school, and I've been tasked with preventing the playback of YouTube videos on our school iPads. While I noticed that some pages contain links to https://www....
Max Ta's user avatar
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Drag and Drop for mobile devices

I have a problem with this code because it work perfectly on laptops and desktop devices but not on mobile devices , please help me and tell me what are the things to add so it will work for both. I ...
Manar Mani's user avatar
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Screen arrow keys for mobile device do not work well

I am working with the JavaScript game project. It is a snake game. I am facing with a bug. Function for keyboard arrow keys are work well. But screen arrow keys for mobile device are not work well. I ...
Soe Say's user avatar
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Unity WebGL build to fullscreen on mobile devices

Does anyone know if there is a way to have a working fullscreen button on a browser on mobile devices in WebGL Unity build? I've seen some topics here that it is not supported on mobile devices, but ...
Cublaiiii's user avatar
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Setting List at the bottom of the screen in JS

I have a bunch of posts and each one has a setting btn and a setting list, so in mobile version, I want to show the setting list from the bottom of the screen wherever the user is rightnow like ...
Jad's user avatar
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svg text does not keep the same size as graphic on different devices

I have created a calendar app in PHP with SVG where each month has a text row on top of the rectangle that represents the month. I developed it on a desktop PC, using the "monospace" font so ...
Volker Piasta's user avatar
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Getting the information of a mobile device by connecting to it [duplicate]

Is there any way for a server to obtain some information of the mobile devices that are connected to it like memory size and battery power? Is it possible? Thanks for any reply in advance.
Hami's user avatar
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Strange behavior when I use addEventListener() on click. It only happens at mobile devices

I'm gonna try to explain what is happening. When I use a class "hide" as a display: none; to hide a button and show another button after click it works well in desktop browser, but when I ...
Fábio Szamszoryk's user avatar
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Web app mobile version after deploy is rendering with bugs [duplicate]

I have very different presentations of my web app design using dev tools mobile device on a desktop browser and my app design using a real mobile browser after deploy. If you run my project from ...
J-mj's user avatar
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Puppeteer: How to capture a screenshot with device frame?

Note: I am asking here a adapted version of this this closed question. When using Puppeteer, it's easy to produce screenshots. It's even their first example, and it works fine on my web app: const ...
Marcel's user avatar
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