Financial & Tax Information

Facing History & Ourselves is committed to accountability and transparency. Our most recent financial and tax information is available below.

Independent Charitable Evaluations

Independent evaluators give Facing History & Ourselves outstanding ratings for financial health and transparency. See our GuideStar profile.

Tax Status in the US, Canada, and UK


Facing History & Ourselves is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. US Tax ID / EIN 04-2761636


Facing History & Ourselves is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency. Registration number: 821814019 RR0001.

United Kingdom: 

Facing History & Ourselves CIO, registered charity number 1103592, UK Information Commissioner's Office registration number ZA463293.

Gift Acceptance Policy

Facing History & Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate. Partnership with current and new donors allows us to continue this vital work. We are incredibly grateful for the gifts and grants from our generous patrons. Contributions without limitations are accepted from individuals, corporations, organizations, government agencies, and other entities. Acceptance of any gift or grant is solely at the discretion of Facing History. Donations from a source inconsistent with our beliefs, values, and mission will be declined.

Read the full Gift Acceptance Policy


We respect your privacy. Facing History & Ourselves does not sell or share any donor's personal information with any other entity.

Read the full Privacy Statement


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