Will rooms from house templates add to the number of previously owned rooms?

by smoothPEACHES

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Will rooms from house templates add to the number of previously owned rooms?

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Product: The Sims Mobile
Platform:Apple iPad
List the specific devices you play with (e.g. iPhone 6s Plus, Samsung Galaxy S7) iPad 7th gen
OS Version 14.5.1
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? You can find it by placing a house on a lot
What do you expect to see? The rooms you have in storage get absorbed by the house template
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region Australia
Country Australia

Before placing a house I got confirmation from ea that house templates should add to your room number not absorb them ,


since placing the basic house template where I had 7 rooms already the house absorbed 6 of my rooms as it is a 6 room house 

I opened a  case and haven’t heard back from their last rely for 3 weeks now and I’ve heard of others being payed out for their rooms 


I’ve since won the Manor house and placed it on the same lot it also absorbed my room count 


I’m now owed 13 rooms 


and am struggling to get any reply from ea, as a paying customer I expect better customer service   

Message 1 of 22 (1,976 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

Community Manager (retired)

Hey everyone!


We have seen there has been some confusion about the number of rooms when buying a house template. To clear things up, we had added this section to our House Templates FAQ:


Q – When purchasing a house template, will the rooms add to the number of previously owned rooms?


 Not exactly, applying a House Template will just unlock the amount of rooms you need for applying it. Take note of how many rooms you own in total on a house lot before you purchase a house template. That's number of rooms placed on the lot plus rooms in your inventory. So, if you own two rooms in total and the template has three rooms, you only gain one extra room.


This hopefully helps. Standard smile 


- Leeloo


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Message 11 of 22 (2,095 Views)

All Replies

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count




House templates use all previously owned rooms.


More rooms will only be added when the house you place on a home lot consists of several rooms than the number of previously owned rooms. 


So, if you owned seven rooms and purchased a house with six rooms,  you won't get several rooms. Six rooms will be placed on your lot and one will remain in inventory. 


If you place a house with 13 rooms on that same lot, the template will use your previously owned seven rooms and you'll get six additional rooms.


I posted this explanation on Twitter 25th of April since there was so much confusion about house templates in The Sims Mobile:



There's also a  thread here about the same subject:


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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 2 of 22 (1,939 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice

I’ve seen your posts and have been told multiple times it’s to Add to room count not absorbed owned ones already 

Message 3 of 22 (1,931 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice

Why have people been compensated by ea for lost room count ?


I can show all the replies from ea telling me that’s it is to add to room count 


Message 4 of 22 (1,929 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

@smoothPEACHES I'm giving you the correct information about house templates. My posts are dated about three weeks ago, about the time when you opened a ticket.
I don't know anything else as I am not an EA employee but I will ask a CM if they can answer your other questions.

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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 5 of 22 (1,907 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice

I know I remember talking to you and I was getting different information from ea and you told me to post here,


in my case that’s still in progress they have also said that it is meant to add rooms not take away from the rooms already owned ,

I waited and held off posting here, I  read your all comments to another post here 3 wks ago,

but I’m still very confused and read yesterday in group of more people who were compensated for their room loss, so  decided to post here today 


I’d be glad for an answer from EA regarding this issue as I’ve been waiting three weeks and told after the next update that my missing items would be returned automatically, that was from ea help in messenger and they told me to please wait for the person handling the case to reply ,



Message 6 of 22 (1,872 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★ Novice

I had the same problem. EA help confirmed to me it was not supposed to absorb rooms. I was compensated with SC for my missing rooms.


Was also told to put everything in storage before placing a template but it happened again when I placed the Jeong Manor. I’m still waiting on a reply about that one as putting the existing rooms in storage did not change anything. 

Message 7 of 22 (1,863 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

@simsaddict009 When was this? What date did you get compensation?

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 AHQ Guardian - Volunteer Moderator

Message 8 of 22 (1,828 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★ Novice

This was several weeks ago. It must have been end of April. The person who helped me assured me that it was not supposed to absorb the rooms. It seems like each person we speak to at EA gives a different answer. 

Message 9 of 22 (1,791 Views)

Re: House Templates Absorbing Rooms instead of adding to room count

★★★★★ Apprentice

I had another team member message me 2 days ago  and ask the same questions again , regarding the room loss & waiting again 



Message 10 of 22 (1,688 Views)