The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

by RonDizzel13

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Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

[ Edited ]

@L10n51m0n wrote:

Ability to edit created golfer swing style and animation. 

You should be able to do this already? I've certainly change the swing style (speed) on mine. It's under the Identity options in the Golfer section.

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Message 91 of 503 (1,710 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Apprentice

A proper online competitive ranked system like 2k has. The same system. Tour 1v1 and 2v2 with tiers you move up or down in depending on how well you play. A comparison in other sports would be divisions in FIFA. If I play badly I should move down, if I play well I should move up. 


I'm not very good right now, but a proper online ranking system where I move up divisions (based on performance and doing well) will keep me playing the game. It was requested for years in 2k, it's been a huge success over there. 

This is why TGC tours are so popular too, people want to compete against other players, they want their matches to mean something, and they want a reason to get better. The competitive side in this game is very bare-bones. 

It's fine to see what others do, I urge EA to look at the ranked system on 2k and also have a look at TGC tours to realise how popular this is amongst golf gamers. 

Message 92 of 503 (1,694 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

★★★★★ Apprentice

Some things I'd like to see,


  1. An easier to read(and correct) putting grid.
  2. I'd like to see the putting grid disappear when you address to ball to putt. It's not needed at that point and breaks immersion
  3. More options added to player creator. Specifically around the face and skin coloring to better make a player that looks how I want.
  4. Sunglasses added to the cosmetics
  5. Not having to go through all intro videos again in challenges if I choose to try retry the challenge. The PGA training video shows that really needed?
  6. Ability to save Heartbeat Moments or close shots to review later
  7. Less instances of color commenters repeat phrases.
Message 93 of 503 (1,684 Views)

Re: What to improve or add

★★★ Newbie

100% agree I used to like playing just two rounds now I either have to play all 4 to stand any chance of winning

Message 94 of 503 (1,676 Views)

Re: What to improve or add

★★★ Newbie

Also would like the clubs and all clothing to add points and skills to your player like in the old days

Message 95 of 503 (1,676 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

★★★★★ Apprentice
@RonDizzel13 Turn based option when playing friends.

Various different modes to choose from when playing friends.

Option to either toggle green grid on/off in game, or have it disappear as your golfer is about to take his putt, because with it on you can barely see the hole.

Option to watch the tee shot from behind the golfer as happens now, but to stay there and then press a button to zoom forward into the follow cam.

Either have the hardest difficulty tweaked or add another higher difficulty. As it is now it’s fairly easy to just continually hit fairways and greens.
Message 96 of 503 (1,672 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

★★ Apprentice


ARCADE MODE - Remove random landing - Make swing nearly Perfect/Perfect each time but still can slice/hook if off center

PRO MODE - No random landing.  Swing As-Is.  Remove putt preview/line, but keep post Spin and Boost ON

TOUR PRO MODE - seems perfect As-Is. (Basically Pro with Shop Shaping ON, Spin OFF, Power Boost OFF,  Random Landing would start here.  Pretty much what it is now I believe.)

SIMULATION - Leave green grid on with no beads, but only when you're in chipping range - (haven't played here yet so could already be this way.)



> Keep it random as is.  No letting people set their courses.  

> Have a SINGLE and TEAM play section

> In Single Play have every difficulty for Random Stroke at all times.  So four basic options always available.

> In Team Play, at least have Best Ball and Alternate Shot available.

> Team Play, have the ability to invite your friend to be your partner before entering the game if possible.  We have to be able to play with friends, as that's the bread and butter of longevity.

> Team Play, have a tie breaker at the end of the round if needed.  Set a par 3, and then play closest to pin based on both players distances added together.  Ace wins of course unless both sides hit, then repeat.


Would like to have the option to be closer to the flight of the ball if possible, but not a huge ask.


Some of this stuff with team play may already be coming in the future since we just got started so forgive me if I missed that somewhere.  Also, I realize some of the difficulty settings may be impossible to change at this point, but the Random Landing in Arcade and Putt Line OFF in Pro would be my biggest requests.  



Message 97 of 503 (1,656 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

My two biggest requests:


  • The create-a-golfer needs a lot of work. I still have TW PGA Tour '14 on PS3, and it's crazy how much more in-depth that system is. Even just importing our picture would be leaps and bounds better. Those who strictly play with their created golfer see this "face" often during a match.
  • Crossplay - many of my closest buddies are holding off for this reason. We all play on different platforms. I am the only one that has purchased thus far, and if crossplay existed, they would have been day-one purchasers as well.


Overall, it's a great game thus far, but there are many areas for improvement. I hope it will continue to mature and become like one of the classics many of us dumped hundreds of hours into.


Message 98 of 503 (1,653 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

★★★★★ Newbie

All of these sound like great additions that I would enjoy seeing and would probably actually make me play more. 


My addition to the list is for those of us that don't play online with friends. I want to be able to play more of the game offline. I'm not always able to be connected to the internet, as I work overseas most of the year. I didn't know that I couldn't play solo career offline. It's frustrating that I paid 75 dollars to do nothing but quick play.

Message 99 of 503 (1,589 Views)

Re: The PGA Tour Community Wishlist - Add yours!

★★★★ Novice

No.1 on my wishlist is a game that doesn't feel like it's still in beta. I don't ask for much.

Message 100 of 503 (1,657 Views)


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