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Questions tagged [jquery-mobile]

jQuery Mobile is a touch-optimized web framework for smartphones and tablets. It provides a unified user interface system across all popular mobile device platforms, built on jQuery.

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SecurityError: Blocked attempt to use history.replaceState() to change session history URL

I am working on a bank project on the Cordova framework. As per Apple's recent policy, I have built the bundle from Xcode 15.4 and iOS runtime 17+. My app worked fine when I used Xcode 14.2 and ...
Anil's user avatar
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Dropdown option default display issue in jquery mobile [duplicate]

I do not want the dropdown default selected option to display separately but why is this happening. Is there an option to skip the jquery setting for a particular dropdown? Like using some function ...
sqlchild's user avatar
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Jquery mobile nav bar items not properly placed

I'm creating a web page using the JQuery mobile framework. I need to place a navigation bar at the bottom of the page inside the footer. Here I mentioned my all codes. My problem is that the last ...
S.Macualiff's user avatar
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jQuery Mobile Autocomplete freeze all the page

I'm implementing an autocomplete form on a website so that mobile users can select a city. When they type the beginning of a French city, a list of cities is displayed underneath to select one. I used ...
Laurent Louis's user avatar
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How can i fix the error i get when i run cordova build android on windows cmd

When Ever i run the cordova build android command i keep getting these errors and i dont know how to fix it, i have tried to google buh nothing helped. i am already in the cordova directory: i run ...
coder756's user avatar
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want to make a swipe menu common for all page of my html,

I add some code for my swipe menu, the listview went well and can display the grid icon in the listview as mentioned in my code. However, if I want to prevent from redundant code, put the swipt menu ...
JQ Developer's user avatar
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JQueryMobile not keeping default style for dynamically appended html

adding html to secondDIVContainer like below. The html is being appended but it doesn't have the default formatting of jquerymobile. $("#secondDIVContainer").append("<div id='...
user1184211's user avatar
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class added to div prints extra pages confusion

I am trying to set a small 5 lines of text part of a webpage that is the middle of my query mobile page as the only printing part of the page, the end goal is to print it on a 62mm x 52mm brother ...
Palendrone's user avatar
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Show different element if the the class has the class active

#Summary I'm using a carousel as a navigation. <div class="swiper-slide state1 swiper-slide-active">STATE 1</div> <div class="swiper-slide state2 ">STATE 2</...
user22039298's user avatar
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jQuery-Mobile fancy popup box works with jQuery 2.1.3 but breaks with jQuery 2.2.4

Years ago, I found this "fancy alert" popup box for use with jQuery mobile. I've been using it in my Cordova apps for years. Recently, I've been informed that version 2.1.3 of jQuery has ...
Laurence MacNeill's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC 5 : model not binding to HttpPostedFileBase from Razor form w/jQuery Mobile

I've read the many possible causes and solutions for this problem, but I don't see that any of them can help me. I'm making a change to an already-existing project that uses jQuery-2.2.4 and jQuery-...
rwkiii's user avatar
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Filtering an unordered list with jQuery Mobile 1.5

I am in the process of upgrading an app's jQuery and jQuery Mobile to the latest versions, I had to move to jQuery Mobile 1.5 to do so and the search box for my app has disappeared because of this. ...
kbessemer's user avatar
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i want to show footer navbar on different situation in JQUERY MOBILE

I am making a mobile application with jQuery Mobile, but I have a problem with the Navbar Widget. Here is the relevant part of my HTML code: <div data-role="footer" data-position="...
김완동's user avatar
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Getting the information of a mobile device by connecting to it [duplicate]

Is there any way for a server to obtain some information of the mobile devices that are connected to it like memory size and battery power? Is it possible? Thanks for any reply in advance.
Hami's user avatar
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Checkbox styles not applying when loading data asynchronously

Using google apps script to build a simple tool at my school to help collect photo evidence of students work and save it centrally so all teaching staff can access it (there's probably an app already ...
DJP's user avatar
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How do I get the content to display in the other menu options?

Here is my complete code. <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Title</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="...
Andrew Crum's user avatar
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Added jQuery UI and JQuery Mobile cdns to project but themes won;t work

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jQuery/"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jQuery/jquery-ui-1.13.1/jquery-ui-1.13.1/...
simpleStudent's user avatar
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Cordova Android app crashes with RecoverableSecurityException while capturing photo

Cordova android app crashing frequently while capturing photo using camera. The stacktrace from crashlytics is Caused by com.myapp.appname has no access to ...
spdev's user avatar
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jQuery Mobile submission not instantly recognized as submit action on ajax

I have a jQuery Mobile registration form, with validation plugin. <!doctype html> <html> <head> <!-- Include meta tag to ensure proper rendering and touch zooming --> <...
snydez's user avatar
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Jquery Mobile Page Links Causing Duplication

I am building a site using JQuery mobile 1.4.5. It consists of 3 pages (index.html, blog.html, blog-category.html). When the home page loads, there is a link to the blog page. I am using the following ...
Judson Cooper's user avatar
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How can I make the project dropdowns in the portfolio section of my website load faster?

My website loads just fine, but when I attempt opening any of the projects in my portfolio section, it takes maybe a second too long to load - desktop & mobile. Here's a snippet of code that I ...
Praveena Dewars's user avatar
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How to use "" in iOS for js command?

I am using app builder and my app is JQM with v5.3 libraires version I have to js code in click event and run in Android but not in iOS. I tried this and the same result. Anything argument ...
James More's user avatar
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How to return form the web(iOS) back to the app?

I am using an online builder for my app(ApperyDotIo, JQM framework). My application works fine with one exception. I have an in-app link to my website. The link in the iOS app, the link takes me to ...
Daniel Dias's user avatar
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Form Validation in JQuery Mobile

I'm trying to add validation to the form I made <fieldset> <legend>ENTER YOUR INFORMATION HERE FOR DELIVERY</legend> <form action="" name="deliveryform"...
Endless Infinity's user avatar
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Getting 'undefined' value from select options using jquery mobile

Im trying to get selected value from whichever option I pick among the list. However, it mentioned as "Undefined" <fieldset data-role="controlgroup"> <...
Endless Infinity's user avatar
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How to vertically align text in list view on JQuery Mobile?

I need to vertically align my text in <li> elements Currently I am setting the line-height as below, however this means it doesn't work on all screen sizes. I have tried applying vertical-algn:...
jackhamper32's user avatar
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How can I debug javascript code that is being executed inside microsoft teams tab of android mobile teams application?

I am developing a custom tab for microsoft teams app. For the application inside the custom tab, I need to debug the javascript code flow, like we do in desktop browser. Is there any way we can ...
Vishwam Chepuri's user avatar
-4 votes
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My website has css issue on right side of website

Please visit this url: I don't know why, when we swipe left or right on mobile responsive, the website moves a little bit on both sides. I don't know what the issue is. Can ...
Taqi Baqar's user avatar
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web qr-code scanner usage nimiq qr-scanner github

I tried to using this qr-scanner which works good but I don't get it to use the reading information. For example it displays me an URL fine but nothing more, cannot ...
Mike S.'s user avatar
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Cache persistance in PWA in iOS

Have a PWA that works fine with network connection. Added a service worker and it works with no connection IF the PWA had been opened at some point before loss of network connection. So far, so good....
TomH's user avatar
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Using jQuery .click works but .touchstart desn't

I have a block of working code that allows me to shift from one set of colored items to another based on a span click event that runs in jQuery. I am using wordpress and it requires I spell out jQuery ...
silverfish's user avatar
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jQuery Mobile Popup keeps repositioning itself on scroll

I want to show a dialog on a jQuery mobile website such that: It displays when the page loads It shows the page behind it It should be dismissible by clicking outside it I decided to use jQuery ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar
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Jquery mobile custom only range slider

I am trying to integrate custom jquery mobile only for range slider option for 1.4.5 version with jquery-1.11.1. The custom jquery mobile i build it from ...
joe's user avatar
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Update Cordova jQuery Mobile app to more modern

I have a very old Cordova app, works well for the purpose, but looks so outdated. It uses pretty basic JavaScript, HTML & CSS with some help from jQuery and jQuery Mobile, and contains a few pages ...
robblond's user avatar
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Preventing keyboard dismissal on form submit on mobile view of web app

I am creating a PHP Javascript chat application. Whenever I click on send button it simply slides down / dismisses the keyboard. If I need to send a new message I again have to tap on the textarea ...
Relaxing Music's user avatar
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jquery mobile/bootstrap bundle - attempted to call method 'bindRemove'

I am trying to use jquery mobile in my current project. Unfortunately I run into an error. Jquery mobile loads up and everything is fine. But whenever I click on any link on website, this error ...
dzb's user avatar
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In responsive design, dragging and dropping does not work in wordpress page

I am making one quiz type page in wordpress which has two dropzones. One contains list of buttons and other one is empty. User has to drag and drop the buttons from first dropzone to other. I have ...
abhi's user avatar
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How to change the web site portrait mode to landscape mode

I am trying to change automatically portrait to landscape mode for 768px devices. Is it possible to change the view mode automatically? window.addEventListener("orientationchange", function() { ...
sanjana's user avatar
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Jquery load popup from external file

I need to upload different text files each containing some popups. I am using JQM 1.4.5 and I'm pretty sure I don't make any syntax errors. My main program has a menu and the user can choose the text. ...
H.Ref's user avatar
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JQuery browser compatibility issue on browser

I am trying to make multiple counter and its working fine for me but on some browsers it says NAN invalid date. I have tested it on my android device (chrome and Samsung default browser) and it worked ...
Brajman's user avatar
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Jquery mobile website. How can I include a Logo link and social media icons in the footer section?

Is it possible to add a Logo link and social media icons when building a Jquery mobile website? I'm building a small Jquery mobile website as an assignment. The whole thing looks good but I want the ...
Jake T's user avatar
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why JQuery Mobile not able to check the checkbox? [duplicate]

I put a checkbox on my webpage, but I want to check it, base on the content of the text file. I am using the below code: $(document).ready(function(){ $.ajax({ ...
user2444843's user avatar
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jquery mobile loader doesn't work on Firefox

I have some problems using a loader from jquery mobile. I'm not a frontend developer, but I have to deal with this task. The aim is that I need to make it work the loader, keeping the submit. What it ...
ikki_fenix's user avatar
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Swipe Button with Javascript

I really am struggling to put a swipe functionality on my toggle button. I have tried hammer.js, jQuery Mobile and now I am trying to use regular javascript. I really need some help and guidance on ...
trees123's user avatar
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OnClick not working on iOS when the clicked elements is doing a POST for a form on the same tab

On iOS (iPhone for example), I try to POST a form to the same tab, by clicking on submit. I want at the same time of clicking the submit, to trigger a JS event with OnClick. For example, to append ...
thenondeveloper's user avatar
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loadingbar is not working with navbar <nav> in html

I need your help. I am using loadingbar for my page like youtube, it works perfectly on page but when I use with navigation bar it is not working. this is my code for navigation, i don't know where is ...
Maqsood Hakro's user avatar
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How to get past the jQuery 2.1.1 Android app vulnerability?

I'm trying to create an app using Apache Cordova. I've written all the HTML, CSS and Javascript using jQuery 2.11 and jQuery Mobile 1.4.5. Unfortunately, Google Play won't accept the uploaded app ...
dwburger's user avatar
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How to build a splash screen for IOS and Android

I am finalizing a App for Android and IOS with Cordova. I use the cordova-plugin-splash, but I have a lot of issue with IOS, specially with the splash images. I wonder if there is a standard to do ...
pierrot10's user avatar
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AudioContext CreateOscillator - tone starts only one time

I am using JQuery Mobile to just switch a tone on or off, but I can switch ON only one time, next time the button stops responding. Also, the sound starts only after closing the alert pop-up (minor ...
loeten's user avatar
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CSS navigation bar on responsive come from the bottom. -100% doesnt remove

Im working on a responsive navbar but have a bit of a problem. When it comes to the responsive part, when the mobile button is clicked the navbar overlay comes from the bottom. I know how to do this ...
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